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Image by Ben Garrison,

Absurdity Observer – February 2022

Published On: February 1, 2022Tags: , , , ,

Some Of The Most Absurd Things That Have Happened In Recent Weeks

  • Students in Nova Scotia are now required to wear a 3-layer mask.
  • Toronto strip clubs are now offering booster shots for covid-19.
  • Israeli news study finds an increase in sudden deaths among athletes. The average annual number of FIFA sudden deaths between 2000-2020 was 4.2. In 2021, it skyrocketed to 21, 5 times the annual average. FIFA athletes are required to be vaccinated in order to travel.

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  • A Vancouver family with a young cancer patient was evicted from Ronald McDonald House in January due to vaccination status. Ronald McDonald Houses across Canada are evicting anyone aged 5 and up who is unvaccinated.
  • A Quebec Judge suspends a man’s visitation rights with his child because he is not vaccinated. 
  • After evaluating 9 studies, HART (Health Advisory & Recovery Team) shockingly finds that “the evidence of an increased infection rate in the first two weeks after vaccination is well established.” Examples of the studies they looked at: a Brazilian study showed a 69% higher infection in the first 13 days after the shot and a Danish study showed a 40% increase in the first 2 weeks. And even Pfizer’s own data showed a 40% increase in suspected Covid vs the placebo. This muddies the data since a person is still considered to be “unvaccinated” until two weeks after their shot.
  • Alberta Health removes 3 graphs from their “COVID-19 Alberta statistics” page that show both how ineffective the vaccine is, and how our health agencies are fiddling with the numbers. The graphs showed that individuals are many times more likely to test positive, get hospitalized, and die within the first 14 days of their first vaccination (when they are still considered to be totally unvaccinated by our government). The math works out so that 47.6% of single dose vaccinated people who are hospitalized with covid are considered to be “unvaccinated” in the statistics, and 55.6% of single dose vaccinated covid deaths are considered to be “unvaccinated.” Graphs may still be found on for by clicking January 8.
  • Nova Scotia issued an edict making it illegal for citizens to gather along the highway and cheer on the truckers driving to Ottawa to protest vaccine mandates. On January 28th, Nova Scotia issued the “Highway Blockade Ban” warning citizens that they are not to gather in support of the convoy of trucks. The edict names the “2022 Freedom Convoy” specifically, making it a crime punishable by up to $100,000 to participate in, finance, aid, encourage, or support “an interruption of the normal flow of vehicle traffic” in relation to the convoy.
  • Trudeau government causes serious supply chain issues after mandating truckers crossing the border to be vaccinated. According to the Canadian Trucking Alliance, even before the mandate, Canada was short 23,000 truck drivers (brought about by tough conditions and onerous regulations), and 15% of truck drivers who cross the border (18,000 drivers) are currently unvaccinated, making an existing problem much worse.
  • On Parliament Hill, Brassard, a Conservative critic for ethics and accountable government, revealed 33 Million Canadians (87% of the population) currently have their devices monitored by the Canadian Government as “part of the response to COVID-19” to “track the spread of COVID” by the Public Health Agency of Canada.
  • Bank of Canada says food price increases are outpacing inflation.
  • Data from University of California San Francisco finds the vaccinated with COVID are more symptomatic than the unvaccinated with COVID.
  • People died at rates 20% higher than normal after second COVID shot, Swedish study shows. According to a 34-page paper on vaccine effectiveness, published in Preprints with The Lancet, 3,939 of 4.03 million Swedes who received the second dose of a COVID vaccine died less than two weeks later, a rate 20% above normal.
  • Quebec announced it plans on taxing the unvaccinated. Adult Quebecers who are not vaccinated and don’t have a medical exemption may be forced to pay a “health contribution,” Quebec Premier Francois Legault announced on January 11th, adding that the unvaccinated should be forced to pay for the supposed “extra burden” they are placing on the health-care system.
  • Stores in Quebec over 1500 square meters (including Canadian Tire, Winners, and Walmart) and any liquor and marijuana store are now are now requiring a QR coded vaccine passport and are banning the unvaccinated.
  • Another booster is coming. Pfizer is now saying it will have an Omicron-specific shot ready in March 2022.
  • In regards to a large party he held in his residence in May 2020, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson claims “nobody told me” his party was against the rules.
  • China has altered the ending of the film Fight Club to stifle any inspirations of citizen rebellion.
  • Google was caught red-handed manipulating it’s search results to suit the narrative. Inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology and vaccine mandate opponent Dr. Robert Malone talked about “mass formation psychosis” on a Joe Rogan podcast and within minutes when googling “mass formation psychosis” the search results showed “It looks like these results are changing quickly… it can sometimes take time for results to be added by reliable sources.” Eventually sources suiting the mainstream narrative appeared and more accurate results were buried.
  • An undercover video by Project Veritas reveals disadvantaged populations are taking excessive vaccines for a tax funded gift card incentive. The recorded video show employees of New York contracted medical provider, DocGoAmbulnz, discussing how people are often successfully overcoming barriers in exchange for the financial incentive of a $100 gift card. “You find people that do it 5, 6 times…for the incentive.”
  • A large study (Sharff et al) by one of the US’s largest healthcare organizations (Kaiser Permanente) finds, when comparing CDC data to their healthcare system, “the true incidence of Myopericarditis (heart inflammation) is markedly higher than the incidence reported to the (CDC’s) advisory committee.” The study found the CDC is only reporting roughly 10.6% of myopericarditis cases in young males after their second dose.
  • NYPD detained a 9 year-old girl, and arrested 5 adults, for entering New York’s Natural History Museum while unvaccinated. 
  • CDC study (Leon et al.) using data from California and New York indicates that prior infection offered better protection that vaccination during the Delta wave.
  • CEO of US Life insurance company for employees “OneAmerica” says deaths are up 40% among people aged 18-64 during the second half of 2021—and it’s not covid on their death certificates. “We are seeing the highest death rate we have ever seen in the history of this business. This is not just being seen by OneAmerica, the data is consistent across every player in this business.”
  • Toronto study titled “Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines against Omicron or Delta infection” (Buchan et al.) finds those who receive 2 doses of an mRNA vaccine have an increased risk of testing positive for COVID. These findings are consistent with the last study that looked at vaccine efficacy on omicron (Hansen et al.) that showed after 90 days Pfizer customers are 76.5% more likely and Moderna customers are 39.3% more likely to be infected compared to unvaxxed people. Additionally, the researchers found, that those who have received the jab are just as contagious as the unvaccinated, once they get infected.
  • An article by renowned epidemiologists Dr John Ioannidis and Dr Jay Bhattacharya published an article titled “Assessing mandatory stay-at-home and business closure effects on the spread of Covid-19” and found “there is no evidence that more restrictive nonpharmaceutical interventions (‘lockdowns’) contributed substantially to the bending of the curve of new cases in England, France, Germany, Iran, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, or the United States.”
  • PayPal shuts down the Informed Consent Action Network’s account, suddenly canceling thousands of recurring donations. As PayPal put in an email to the medical freedom organization ICAN (creators of “The Highwire”) “PayPal is exercising its contractual right to cease doing business” with ICAN and shut down their account.