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Absurdity Observer – August 2022

Published On: August 1, 2022Tags: , , ,

Some Of The Most Absurd Things That Have Happened In Recent Weeks

  • Quadruple vaccinated Joe Biden experiences symptoms and tests positive for COVID-19. It was nearly exactly one year ago when Biden announced that “You are not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”
  • Article titled “Increasing SARS-Cov2 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths among the vaccinated …” (Emani et al.) finds “the vaccine effectiveness (VE) for the third dose was negative since December 20, 2021, with significantly increased proportion of SARS-CoV2 cases, hospitalizations and deaths among the vaccinated; and a decreased proportion of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths among the unvaccinated.” They concluded, “There is no discernible vaccine effectiveness among ≥18 years of age, vaccinated third dose population since the beginning of the Omicron variant surge.” These findings are consistent with Ontario data.
  • Shortly after alternative news sources, like Druthers, published that Ontario Public Health’s data was showing an alarming trend of the “triple-vaccinated” getting COVID-19 at rates of more than double that of the “not fully vaccinated,” Ontario Public Health removed publicly accessible data on the vaccination status and COVID-positivity status of Ontarians.

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  • Article titled “Duration of immune protection of SARS-CoV-2 natural infection against reinfection in Qatar” (Chemaitelly et al.) finds that the effectiveness of primary infection against severe, critical, or fatal COVID-19 reinfection was 97.3% irrespective of the variant of infection or reinfection, with no evidence of waning.”
  • Tens of thousands of farmers have gathered from all across the Netherlands to protest government policies that are deliberately shrinking the farming sector, impacting the livelihood of thousands of farmers and the food supply of literally hundreds of millions of people. Meanwhile, here in Canada, the same “climate crisis” playbook is being used (perhaps in an attempt to have farms fail, allow for land to be purchased by billionaires, and control the food supply.) Trudeau instigated a 30% fertilizer reduction policy while still allowing Glyphosate, the most widely used herbicide in Canada, to poison our country.
  • A new UN report shows that a record 345 million people are acutely hungry and are ‘marching to the brink of starvation.’ In early 2020, before the COVID-19 pandemic, the figure was 135 million.
  • Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada announced that the federal government is investing up to $8.5 million into what will be the world’s largest cricket production facility. The government said the investment to Aspire (London, ON) was “to support the building of a commercial facility to produce cricket protein.”
  • 3 young doctors working at Trillium Health in Mississauga, Ontario (Dr. Sawicki, Dr. Segall, & Dr. McKenzie) die of “sudden and unexpected” causes over the course of just one week, the same week a marathon runner and well-known doctor at a different hospital also in the Toronto General Area, (Dr. Hannam), died unexpectedly while out for a morning jog.
  • “Deaths of unknown causes” is now Alberta’s #1 killer. According to Alberta Health’s data (open.alberta.ca), unknown causes of death have increased approximately 2.4 times in 2021 compared to the previous year. A few months ago, a pathology study by Dr. Bhakdi & Dr. Burkhardt showed ~93% of people who died of “unknown causes” after being vaccinated had “clear evidence of vaccine-induced autoimmune-like pathology.” The autopsy study was done on 15 patients who died (from 7 days to 6 months) after receiving the COVID vaccine. These were all cases where the officials ruled death was NOT caused by the vaccine. They discovered that in 14 of the 15 patients, there was widespread evidence of autoimmune tissue destruction (via killer lymphocytic infiltration) in ways that have never been described in the medical literature before the COVID vaccines. The heart was attacked in all 14 cases.
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the monkeypox outbreak a public health emergency of international concern. The decision was announced July 23 after WHO convened its second emergency committee where WHO’s own expert panel voted 9–6 against the emergency declaration. WHO chief overruled the panel and declared an emergency. The two-dose repurposed smallpox vaccine, Imvamune, has begun its roll-out in Canada.
  • Mastercard, in partnership with the UN, to start measuring the carbon footprint of your purchases. The new CO2 monitoring credit card, called “Doconomy,” is designed to stop working (& put you into a financial “lockdown”) when you hit your “carbon max.”
  • Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology article (Seneff et al.) finds that “vaccination induces a profound impairment in type I interferon signalling,” which hinders one’s immune system and “has diverse adverse consequences to human health.” The study also found vaccination has “potential profound disturbances in regulatory control of protein synthesis and cancer surveillance.”
  • Health Canada authorizes use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in children 6 months to 5 years of age despite a CDC study (April 26 MMWR, Clarke et al.) finding that, as of February 2022, over 75% of children are carrying antibodies from previous infection and there is perhaps a perfect recovery rate in these children. The true recovery rate is unknown due to Health Canada not separating the data of those who were hospitalized or died “of” COVID vs “with” COVID. On June 15th, a Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory committee meeting noted that 1 in 83 Moderna vaccinated infants experienced a severe adverse event and 1 in 71 Pfizer vaccinated infants experienced a severe adverse event (see Dr. Jessica Rose).
  • Toddlers’ speech and motor skills have dropped sharply in the wake of the pandemic, official data show. The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT), Assessments show that one in five children are not meeting expected standards by age 2½, with referrals to speech and language therapy doubling since the pandemic. Communication skills suffered one of the most significant falls in performance.
  • A study done on neighbouring North Dakota school districts titled “Association between school mask mandates and SARS-CoV-2 infections” (Sood et al.) finds “no significant difference between (cumulative) student case rates while the districts had differing masking policies.
  • It’s no longer just a COVID thing. After installing various checkpoints between provinces over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic and creating a “Red Zone” in Ottawa during the Freedom Convoy, Canada’s normalization of checkpoints continues. Police checkpoints covered Whitby, ON in late July during a meeting of the Hell’s Angels Motorcycle club, where they checked ID’s.
  • Freedom Convoy organizer Pat King is finally granted bail after 150 days in jail. Meanwhile, Tamara Lich, another Freedom Convoy organizer who was arrested and held for weeks without bail, has been arrested and jailed without bail again for allegedly violating “no-contact” bail conditions placed on her after being charged for her role in February’s demonstration.
  • Disturbing study published to the Lancet and reviewed by Virology (Adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines and measures to prevent them by Yamamoto) finds “immune function among vaccinated individuals 8 months after the administration of two doses of COVID vaccine was lower than that among the unvaccinated”. According to the European Med Agency, “frequent booster shots could adversely affect the immune response.”
  • Explosive data from the Department of Defense DMED database of 1.4M active duty DoD servicemen shows shocking increases in medical conditions from mRNA “vaccines” after the military demanded injections for all service members. The data, obtained by 3 courageous DoD whistleblowers and shared by attorney Tom Renz and senator Ron Johnson, showed the following: 487% spike in breast cancer, 551% spike in Guillain-Barré syndrome, 269% spike in myocardial infarction, 468% spike in pulmonary embolism, 291% spike in Bell’s palsy, 437% spike in ovarian dysfunction, 279% spike in miscarriages, 680% spike in multiple sclerosis, 664% spike in malignant neoplasms, plus other condition increases.