Absurdity Observer – April 2023
Some Of The Most Absurd Things That Have Happened In Recent Weeks
- After months of hiding it, Trudeau’s office finally admitted he billed Canadians $6000/night for a London hotel room. To make matters worse, Trudeau’s Governor General Mary Simon charged taxpayers $800,000 to go to Germany to visit a book fair with two photographers. The Bloc Québécois forced Rideau Hall to release all travel expenses after Simon concealed a $1.15 million trip in 2022 to Dubai. Both her trips were planned to promote Canadian culture and literature abroad.
- Automaker Ford patents a car that would have the ability to repossess itself and self-drive directly to a repossession agency. With this patent, entitled “Systems and Methods to Repossess a Vehicle,” any vehicle with autonomous capabilities could be self-driven from the premises of the owner to either an impound lot or (if the vehicle does not have value) a junkyard.
- After public health officials tried for almost a year to block its publication, the National Toxicology Program (NTP) released a report linking prenatal and childhood fluoride exposure to reduced IQ in children. The US Department of Health and Human Services and the CDC initially blocked the NTP from releasing the report, according to emails obtained via a FOIA request. But a court order stemming from a lawsuit filed by Food and Water Watch against the U.S. EPA forced the report’s release.
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- Following suit from Ontario, Alberta is now giving COVID-19 vaccines to minors without parental consent. On March 2, 2023, Alberta Health Services issued new guidelines for the COVID-19 vaccine, stating that “mature minors” under the age of 18 are now eligible to receive the covid vaccine without their parent’s consent. The immunizer is the one who will decide if the minor is mature enough to make their own decision.
- Statistics Canada Alberta reveals that the year 2022 experienced 250% more excess deaths compared to 2020 (despite 2020 experiencing all those “COVID deaths”). The data, which can be found on Alberta.ca (and compiled on dksdata.com/AlbertaDead) is similar to what is being seen throughout the developed world since the release of the COVID-19 vaccines.
- A new pre-print article titled “Is there a link between the 2021 COVID-19 vaccination uptake in Europe and 2022 excess all-cause mortality” (Aarstad et al.) finds that there is a strong positive correlation between all-cause mortality in 2022 and the vaccination rate of a country in 2021.
- Former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield testified before the House Select Subcommittee that he strongly believes that the COVID-19 virus was likely created by gain-of-function research funded by the NIAID. Dr. Redfield also testified that he was excluded from meetings and kept out of the loop by NIAID director Dr. Fauci, the World Health Organization, and the rest of the establishment because he had a different opinion about COVID-19’s origins and they told him they wanted a “single narrative.”
- After both the US Energy Department and the FBI concluded that the pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak, the New York Times asserts that Raccoon dogs are the most likely culprit of COVID-19 based on a photograph of raccoon dogs supposedly taken at Wuhan Market pre-COVID by a scientist who was coincidentally funded by the Wellcome Trust.
- A new set of internal Twitter documents leaked and published by journalist Matt Taibbi exposes even more Big Tech-federal government censorship collusion. The most recent set of files shows that the US federal government helped to launch a project (called the Virality Project) where six Big Tech companies (Facebook/Instagram, Twitter, Google/YouTube, TikTok, Medium, and Pinterest) and a coalition of “research agencies” partnered to mass monitor COVID-related content and flag millions of posts for censorship each day — even posts they admitted were true — because it “might promote vaccine hesitancy.”
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced on March 6th that the Canadian government will be spending an additional $5.5 million to build “civil society organizations to combat disinformation.” This is in addition to the $31 million of taxpayer’s money he has already pledged for the Digital Citizen Contribution Program, a program that “aims to support democracy and social cohesion in Canada by enhancing and/or supporting efforts to counter online disinformation and other online harms and threats.”
- The rate of myocarditis spiked in the US military in 2021, newly disclosed data shows. Diagnosis of myocarditis, a form of heart inflammation linked to the COVID-19 vaccine, jumped 130.5% in 2021 when compared to the average from the years 2016 to 2020, according to data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database. The military mandated the COVID vaccine in the summer of 2021.
- The newly released CDC funded Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network report finds that autism spectrum disorder prevalence in the US has increased to 1 in 36 children born in 2012 — up from 1 in 44 children from the previous report for children born in 2010. That’s up from 1 in 110 children studied in 2006 and 1 in 1,000 children studied in 1995. With the increasing number of shots added to the childhood vaccination schedule over the years, the CDC still asserts that there is no link between vaccinations and autism despite never studying rates of autism and vaccines administered before the age of two.
- FDA quietly extended the end date for the Pfizer study on heart inflammation after COVID vaccination in 16-30-year-olds — by AN ENTIRE YEAR — despite Pfizer only needing a few months to develop their vaccine, finish their study, and release the COVID vaccine back in 2020. Study 4591031 would be the only randomized controlled study on mRNA vaccine-induced myopericarditis and was supposed to be completed in June and published in December 2022. This isn’t the first time Pfizer has done this. Their first-ever study on the vaccine in pregnant women was completed in July 2022 but they have yet to release that study and data as well.
- Despite Dietitians of Canada advising the public in 2020 that “You cannot boost your immune system through diet. No specific food, supplement, or natural health product will prevent you from catching COVID-19… Do not spread misinformation,” scientific evidence is showing the contrary. A new meta-analysis (a study of studies) titled Protective Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on COVID-19-Related Intensive Care Hospitalization and Mortality (Argano et al.) found that “Vitamin D administration results in a decreased risk of death and ICU admission” and claimed the association is “definitive.”
- The large German health insurer BKK ProVita released an analysis of data collected from more than 10 million people suggesting COVID vaccine side effects are “significantly” underreported, finding that 4-5% of vaccinated people have received medical treatment as a result of COVID vaccination side effects.
- A new report shows the staggering number of boosters needed to be administered to prevent just one “COVID hospitalization” (a COVID hospitalization is defined as a hospitalized patient who tests positive for COVID, regardless of the reason for admittance). According to the report by the UK Health Security Agency (titled: Appendix 1: estimation of number needed to vaccinate to prevent a COVID-19 hospitalisation), 76,000 boosters would be needed to prevent just one COVID hospitalization in teens ages 16-19. The 20-29 age group would need 40,900 to prevent just one hospitalization in their population, and the 30-39 age group would need 35,900 boosters to prevent just one hospitalization. When it came to “severe hospitalizations,” the numbers were even worse, with 418,100 boosters needed to prevent just one severe hospitalization in the 20-29 age group.
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