A Lesson In “Reverse” Psychology And Media Omission
By Richard Aylesworth
Our opinions of events in this life are often based on three things; observations, shared information and our assumptions. If any of the information we glean in this process is even partially incorrect or incomplete, it stands to reason that our personal opinions may also be less than accurate. When we place our faith in mass media to be our only source of diligent information, with no independent research, the potential for us to embrace misinformation or incomplete facts from that media source is always at play.
Growing up in a world of real life private investigators, my granddad and my father gave me a unique education. It was one that could never be taught in school at any level. While most kids my age were at home watching The Monkees on weekends, I was observing a great deal of real life monkey business with plot lines well beyond my years and that particular TV show. My classmates were still trying to get their heads around the unthinkable premise of where babies came from. I was on the road serving divorce papers for adultery, posing as an unsuspecting paperboy.
The mark almost always opened the door to a 9 year old for their free yet very expensive “special edition”, compliments of a spousal plaintiff. This special delivery also brought about a litany of special reactions and language. Dad or granddad were always close by, and still are in spirit.
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My youthful version of “media sorcery” and sleight of hand may have given people more than they bargained for. However, it was all based in the whole truth and complete facts. Unfortunately, the news being brought into our homes today on TV, online, via radio and even the newspaper is often less than complete. We live in a world where editorial narratives can be purchased, placed and projected just like ads for tampons or toothpaste.
In the USA, The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act (Obama 2012) is a law that actually allows for intentional staged, fake media events to be scripted, funded, produced, broadcast and reported as real news. Often this is done to advance a political agenda. That false narrative is then further re-enforced in the psyche of the masses by various means of repetition. These include even long term ongoing “special anniversary reports” to keep a monumental myth alive. Collective brainwashing of the masses is far from being a myth my friends.
There’s a reason shows like CSI, The First 48, Criminal Minds and even Cheaters are as popular as they are. People are also further intrigued by magical masters of deception like Penn & Teller practising their craft, and then providing the bonus reveal of “how it was done”. It truly shouldn’t surprise people that “media magic” uses many of the same elements; Highly paid performer(s), announcers, assistants, foils, shades, palms, distractions, decoys, focal misdirection and yes, even plants in the crowd known as crisis actors.
Sometimes, “info voids” or gaps in a news story or magic tricks are as important as the props, the plot and people themselves. Assumptions are led by narratives, and he who controls the narrative can control our very own “theatre of the mind”, and our minds themselves, when allowed to.
Let’s try a “for instance”… Let’s say that you likely have a strong opinion on a very sensational media case and famous criminal trial. Let’s say it involves; a celebrity movie star who’s also a football player, a double murder, a white Bronco, black gloves and its own 50 shades of “grey areas”, and many red herrings. Yet still your opinion based on the media narrative as provided, is solid. You just know it too. Look, the media wouldn’t lie and doesn’t miss a thing, do they?
Ok then, here’s a few strange questions that are only strange because you’ve never been given any context; — How do you feel about the use of Depakote? It’s an anti-rage medication that can cause blackouts when combined with alcohol. — Why would someone not punch out their time card at the end of their shift? — Have you ever been angered because someone didn’t show up for a special dinner that you’d prepared at great lengths?— Can deep-seated psychological issues result from the drowning death of a young sibling left in your care and return as episodes of psychotic rage later in life? — Does it really matter if there were yellow canine hairs on a black knit cap found at the scene?
In 1996, at the time of the infamous Nicole Simpson, Ron Goldman murders, Jason Lamar Simpson was a 23 yr. old young man. Much like O.J. he played college football but not at the calibre of his famous father. Like his grandfather though, Jason pursued a culinary career as a chef and worked at Jacksons Restaurant in LA. At the time of the murders, Jason was also on probation for two assaults at knife point. One upon an ex-girlfriend, and one upon an ex-boss. In the case of the girlfriend, she was thrown into an empty bathtub and savagely beaten as he then cut off her hair with a knife. Jason had been clinically diagnosed with intermittent rage disorder and was prescribed the drug Depakote.
O.J. was scheduled to depart for a speaking appearance in Chicago after attending a school recital involving Sydney and Justin, OJ’s two youngest children with Nicole. The whole extended family was there. Sunday nights at Jacksons Restaurant, Jason was the head chef. He took a great deal of time and pride preparing a very special meal planned for his family’s post recital dinner party.
Uh oh, a no show. Apparently with no notice either. Followers of the epic trial know that Nicole and the family entourage dined at Mezza Luna that night and not Jacksons. Staff at Jacksons later noted that Jason was fuming angry, very agitated, downed a few drinks and stormed out without punching out. He headed for Nicole’s home and appears to have contacted O.J. to express his anger and that he was going to have words. At some point, O.J. himself changed his departure scheduled, and headed there as well.
Jason was allowed to enter Nicole’s locked courtyard and a heated discussion likely evolved very rapidly. A handsome waiter from Mezza Luna named Ron Goldman appeared, supposedly for the purposes of returning Nicole’s reading glasses that were left behind. A warm bubble bath, a bottle of wine and two glasses awaited in Nicole’s ensuite bathroom. At some point, Ron and Jason engaged in their own version of “Mortal Combat”. Jason was known to carry a Gerber Mk 1 style combat knife and Ron’s martial arts training was no match for Jason’s knife work. Ron was mortally wounded.
Nicole, a witness to this fatal battle was grabbed from behind and pummeled several times on the crown of her skull leaving distinctive lacerations. Her throat was then slashed all the way to her spinal column, leaving her nearly decapitated.
Enter O.J., just a tad late to make peace. The scene was a bloody mess likely causing him some queasiness. Unknown to many, he is actually very fearful of blood, a bonafide haemaphobe. Not likely someone to use a knife in a homicide. As well, his relationship with Nicole was friendly at the time and after they began living apart according to many friends.
O.J. caught a later flight to Chicago. Upon return, his most memorable drive home with a gun to his head was captured in the minds of millions forever. If his driver was going any slower they would have been in reverse. In reality O.J. was actually running a reverse. It was the most important play of his life. Not to win a game but to keep all eyes off the actual “ball carrier”.
Yeppp! Jason moved to Florida after the trial. The contents of his storage locker were later purchased at auction due to non- payment of rent. Included were his Jeep, some very incriminating diaries and photographs. Most compelling was a Gerber Mk1 style fighting knife. Its blade size and profile matched the wound cavities in both Nicole and Ron’s bodies. The pommel edges matched Nicole’s scalp wounds exactly.
Throughout the entire arrest, trial and investigation, Jason was never formally questioned. He was in fact totally overlooked. LAPD proudly kept a display of many items and photos related to the case. One such exhibit was a black knit watch cap that held hairs from an African American male of a similar but not exact match to O.J. ‘s DNA . It also held the hairs of a yellow haired canine. When a photo of Jason wearing a black watch cap with his golden haired dog appeared, LAPD immediately removed the cap from their display.
Information shared here is available through the writings of Dallas based private investigator Wm. Dear including his book, O.J.is Innocent (of murder) and I can prove it.
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