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A Fairy Tale About Journalists
Once upon a time in another world, a world far, far away — not this world, a different, fictitious, one — there were Journalists. Some worked in print, some in radio, some in TV and some published online. These were ethical, honest men and women. They spent their lives pursuing the truth and then shared those truths, no matter how unpleasant, with the public. Sometimes they put themselves at risk to do so. Many were relentless and self-sacrificing in their desire to serve the public good. They never compromised their principles. They were the backbone of their democracies.
Then, something happened.
There was this virus, see? A pandemic. And vaccines were developed to combat that virus.
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The Journalists, in their zeal to protect the public from this deadly virus, endlessly promoted the vaccines as the only way to end the pandemic. Indeed, they believed it was. Alternative treatments were dismissed as ‘fake news’. Many, many people took the vaccines having faith in the Journalists they trusted.
Some of the Journalists, however, on their time off while at home, began to do some research of their own and what they found was troubling. There were, it seems, many distinguished and accomplished medical and scientific experts who were raising alarms about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines. They were saying that there were considerable risks in taking the new injections which they said were based on an experimental mRNA technology, never before used widely on humans. Furthermore, it appeared that these experts were being banned and censored even by their medical regulatory bodies.
The more curious Journalists did more research and started to believe what the vaccine critics were saying. They went to their superiors and provided the information they had found intending to share it with their readers/viewers/listeners to provide balance to the narrative so educated decisions could be made. Astoundingly, they were not just met with arguments against their proposal, they were told, in no uncertain terms, not to mention, no matter how briefly, any information that was not 100% supportive of vaccines.
Some had no problem with this; others were deeply troubled, especially when excess death rates skyrocketed, young people developed heart problems, healthy athletes started dropping dead in the middle of games and sudden deaths by unknown causes became common.
“These things never happened before,” they thought to themselves and again went to their superiors asking if they could work this disturbing information into a story. This time the response was even more direct. They were told they would be fired if any of that information was made public and they would never work in any media again.
This was, of course, an opportunity to do what Journalists are supposed to do — serve the public and tell the truth.
None ever did.
After all, they had mortgages, children to support and lifestyles to maintain. So, none of them spoke of it publicly. Even when people kept becoming disabled and dying.
None. Of. Them.
In fact, it was worse than that. Not only did they never speak of what they strongly felt were the deadly effects of the vaccines, they kept eagerly promoting it publicly, urging people to take more and more shots and promoting hatred towards those who didn’t.
‘The unvaccinated should be imprisoned,” they said. “Let them die in the gutters,” others said. The mantra of “The unvaccinated should be denied healthcare” echoed throughout the mainstream media. “The unvaccinated are misogynists and racists” the Marxist leader of one unfortunate nation screamed.
There was no one to speak for those maimed and killed by these unknown causes which, for some curious reason, never existed before the vaccines were rolled out.
In the end, when the dust settled, the number of disabled and dead kept rising as did the number of vaccines sold.
And guess what also rose — the number of Journalists warning the public of dire consequences if they failed to take the vaccines. Not a single Journalist was fired. “You will kill Grandma” they screamed. “How can you be so uncaring” they shouted as their campaign of shame ramped up and up and up.
But, take heart, mortgages were paid, children got the latest iPhones, fancy restaurant dinners were consumed, and luxurious vacations were embarked upon by members of the most ethical profession in the world. (Not our world, remember. A different, fictitious, world.)
And fewer and fewer people lived happily ever after.
The End?
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