I Am Sorry
By Brian Taylor
Have you ever apologized to someone? I mean as an adult, where you were not forced to do so by your parents or a school teacher? It’s been on my mind a lot lately.
A couple of weeks ago, I said something to a family member whom I love dearly. I thought it was funny, but it wasn’t; it was a rude insult. After a few days and a reminder from my wife, I realized how inappropriate and hurtful my words were, so I apologized.
The family graciously forgave me, and I feel a sense of peace in my spirit as a reward for doing the right thing. This peace would not have been the same had I ignored my obligation to seek forgiveness or if the family had felt it necessary to approach me in search of an apology, which I believe they would have had every justification for doing.
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This brings me to my main point.
How long has it been since Covid? Have you put it out of your memory? Have you blocked it out of your mind? Have you swept it under the rug? Do the unkind words, the stabs in the back (and in the front), the manipulative lies, the excommunications, the hurtful social media posts, and the downright illegal actions still count? Or are they all allowed based on the pretense that it was tough times we were going through?
Have you come to the conclusion of what was true and what were lies during that difficult time? Or would you prefer not to know, thus avoiding responsibility for your actions? For instance, if you barked at someone for standing too close to you, did it turn out that six feet really would save you from contracting the virus? If you yelled at someone for not wearing a mask, did it turn out that masks were truly the answer? If you called the snitch hotline because your neighbours had an extra car in their driveway at Christmas time, did you slow the spread? If you vax-passed your church or restaurant and fired your unvaccinated employees, did you stop Covid in its tracks? What’s the actual truth about all the mandates that were forced upon us? Did they work? Were they even legal?
Do you expect to hear the truth about this last question from those who imposed the propaganda in the first place? Those who could end up in jail if they were to acknowledge the truth?
Did you know it’s illegal to fire someone or kick them out of your place of business for not taking a medical treatment? Yet if Mr. Moe or Mr. Trudeau say so, it’s acceptable? In a country that adheres to the rule of law, do the leaders also have to obey the law? Or are they exempt?
For my church-going friends, did your interpretation of Romans 13 turn out to be right? Or was it more just useful? Useful at a time when the church had a chance to truly be salt and light? And at a time when there was a price to pay and a hill to die on? Or rather, did the bride turn out not to be a whore? Is it possible that in the vacuum left by the church, God used truckers? Did we learn anything from Covid? Or should we just get another booster and pretend all is well?
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