Indictment Served on the Judiciary of CANADA et al.
By Daniel Oke
Note that all actions performed by the Lakeshore Sovereign Assembly (LSA)/True North Guardians Alliance (TNGA) have always been under lawful duty of care/in defense of the sons and daughters of the world. The goal is simple: stop the bio-weapon injection and demand the criminals be held to account. When we continued our demands for accountability and they remained unanswered/unactioned, the judiciary eventually called it “intimidation” and “criminal harassment.”
On September 13, 2024, the members of the LSA served an indictment on the judiciary of CANADA/the provinces for their ongoing/previous crimes against humanity, treaty violations, and war crimes that violated the Law of War Manual.1 This action was performed under a declared state of neutrality (per Law of War Manual section 15) and under a white flag of truce/peace/negotiation (per Law of War Manual section 12.4). For anyone reading this, it is absolutely imperative that you read the full grand jury summary/evidence to see what led to this moment, what was put on the public record, and what was ignored by the woman acting as “judge,” Marcella Henschel, the man acting as “regional senior justice” of PEEL, Leonard Ricchetti, the man acting as lead detective for PEEL REGIONAL POLICE, Carlos Navarro, and the man acting as CROWN ATTORNEY, Mark Dean. We put more evidence on the record than anyone in the country and proved that the rule of law does not exist in CANADA and the system is corrupt to the very core.2
This indictment was put on the public record in courtroom 110 on September 13, 2024, by Marcella Henschel and has been publicly endorsed/acknowledged by Major General (retired) Paul E. Vallely. MG Vallely not only endorsed the action but also confirmed his endorsement via email response to the attorney general of ONTARIO, the governor general of CANADA, the Canadian Judicial Council, the ONTARIO COURT OF APPEALS, all acting commissioners of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (note: if you don’t know why that is so important, read the grand jury summary) and Carlos Navarro, Leonard Ricchetti, Mark Dean, and Marcella Henschel. In addition, he also publicly responded to OPP officers Sgt. Mark Swas and Detective Sgt. Mishael Yearwood regarding the criminal information occurrence #RM24213643, created on September 10, 2024.
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The bottom line for everyone to know is that the judiciary, police, RCMP, OPP, and Canadian Military/Canadian Judge Advocate Generals, all had the evidence and chose to abandon their lawful duties/responsibilities. We have given every level of government and police officers the opportunity to do the right thing, investigate the evidence, and put a stop to the unlawful/illegal crimes/war crimes/genocidal activities since 2020. To this date, no investigation has been done and no action has been taken to protect human life. Occurrence numbers have been created with the OPP/local police since 2020 and it can be shown that these Criminal Code of Canada violations remain unactioned on the following websites.3
So, if we the people cannot report a crime and demand criminals be held to account, what “system” do we have left? What motivation do these criminals have to stop their crimes if our only response is to fund them and continue to let them terrorize us?
Rather than doing the right thing, Marcella Henschel et al. chose to attack members of the Lakeshore Sovereign Assembly and “convict” them of criminal harassment for acting under duty of care and reporting the evidence to local and international institutions, such as the International Criminal Court and the North American Military Alliance. Some of the key points of her ruling, witnessed by men and women bearing white flags (per Law of War Manual section 12.4) were as follows:
1. The only rule of law that exists in the country is what “they” deem as the rule of law.
2. Marcella called all of our actions an “affront to the rule of law,” despite the fact that we proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that the rule of law has been abandoned in this country. CORPORATE LAW is the ONLY law (read the grand jury summary).
3. Regular people cannot research or investigate anything. Only the captured/controlled police are allowed to investigate.
4. Demanding criminals be held to account with FACTS/EVIDENCE is criminal harassment if you call the government or judiciary criminals.
5. Their word is the ONLY authority and facts/truth do not matter.
6. They plan to classify anyone speaking truth as Organized Pseudo-legal Commercial Arguments.
7. They claim that the only access to justice we have is through them.
8. Most important of all is that after almost 5 years, they still call the evidence “your ideological beliefs.”
The good news: The positive military is watching this matter very closely and has all of the evidence. We have shown the need to invoke the Law of War Manual section 11.10.1 and 11.10.2 (authority to suspend ordinary courts). We have the evidence for all of the agents of the transnational crime syndicate (i.e., judiciary/government) to be held to account and to action the Law of War Manual steps to demand reparations/protections for all victims of the hostile belligerents via our peace treaty articles.4 More truth/disclosure comes out every day. Each of us has a part we can play in creating the future we want to live in.
WE HAVE WORK TO DO!! Every. Single. Man/woman. No more spectating. The children need us. The future depends on us standing up for our communities and to stop acting like slaves of a fraudulent, illegitimate system. WE NEED TO DEMAND THESE CRIMINALS BE HELD TO ACCOUNT!!!
What can you do? Simple next steps:
- mass email campaign to demand that the existing occurrence numbers be actioned/investigated (email for steps)
- mass email action by everyone with the peace treaty (email for steps)
- every protest/action you engage in, do it under a white flag of truth/peace/negotiation (per Law of War Manual section 12.4). This is a signal during wartime (and YES, we are in a war) that we are not participants in the hostilities, that we do not consent to the killing and we demand an immediate cessation to the hostilities against us (i.e., all mRNA bio-weapon technology)
We cannot look for the remedy within the same systems that got us here to begin with, especially when they have been proven to be both captured and illegitimate. We are living in the most important time in human history and the momentum is on our side. When you stand on the pillars of principle, the waves of adversity will subside. All it takes for evil to win is for good people to do nothing, and good people are now taking a stand. We the people demand that the criminals be held to account for the protection of the children and preservation of human life!
3. and
Daniel Oke is a director within Classical Martial Arts Canada and a co-contributor of the Lakeshore Sovereign Assembly ( and the True North Guardians Alliance (
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