

The Lib’s Accused the Con’s of “Spreading Disinformation” for Saying the Government Would Ban Firearms Used by Hunters & Farmers

Published On: January 1, 2023Tags: ,

Trudeau Now Admits That’s Exactly What They’re Doing

This demonstrates why the government cannot be trusted to define what is and isn’t considered “misinformation” or “disinformation.” Their incentive to define it in a way that expands their own power and punishes their opponents is far too high.

Take a quick look at this clip: https://youtu.be/1j2tZs_9_Q4

CPC Leader Pierre Poilievre accurately describes some of the firearms the Liberals are banning, and accurately notes that those firearms are designed for hunting and are used by Canadian hunters.

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Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino counters by accusing the Conservatives of “spreading disinformation”.

For a few weeks, this has been the Liberal response to criticism of their amendments to Bill C-21, changes that will indeed ban many firearms used by law-abiding Canadian hunters and farmers.

But now, they’ve changed their tune.

In a year-end interview, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau admitted the government will be going after “some” hunting guns:

“Our focus now is on saying okay, there are some guns, yes, that we’re going to have to take away from people who were using them to hunt,” Trudeau said. “But, we’re going to also make sure that you’re able to buy other guns from a long list of guns that are accepted that are fine for hunting, whether it’s rifles or shotguns. We’re not going at the right to hunt in this country. We are going at some of the guns used to do it that are too dangerous in other contexts.”

“There are some weapons that are used for hunting that unfortunately fall on the wrong side of the line. Not many, but there are some that are slightly overpowered or have too large a magazine capacity or technical reasons like that,” Trudeau said. “Nobody wants assault-style weapons anywhere in this country. You don’t use them for hunting, and you shouldn’t have them for any other reason.”

Again, this is exactly what the Conservatives said the Liberals were doing, and the Liberals denied it and called it “disinformation.”

For them to now flip and admit they are doing this, without acknowledging that they were lying is the kind of hypocrisy and arrogance we’ve seen time and time again from the Liberal government.

Government can’t be trusted to define what is true

In multiple pieces of legislation, the Liberals are seeking to give themselves the power to define what is and isn’t true.

They want the definition of “disinformation” and “misinformation” to be controlled by the government.

Clearly, that would be disastrous.

We have just seen a clear example of the Liberal government accusing their opponents of disinformation, even when their opponents were sharing factually correct information.

Ironically, this means it was the Liberal government who was spreading disinformation.

Do you think they would ever fairly apply the rules to themselves or hold themselves accountable?

Of course not.

It will be used selectively, to punish their opponents, silence their critics, and buttress their own propaganda.

This is why we simply cannot trust the government – of any political stripe – with the power to define what is and isn’t true.

That decision must be made by the market, through the countless individual choices and preferences of Canadians.

Originally published at SpencerFernando.com