UNDRIP: How the Government and The UN Plan to TAKE YOUR PROPERTY
By Ron Vaillant
Canadians have LOST their private Land Rights, and it’s happening in other countries such as New Zealand. This initiative is going on worldwide, including in the US, through governments’ adoption of UNDRIP — United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. It is the UN’s destabilizing, neutron bomb, designed to destroy the concept of private property and much more.
The world’s government’s implementation of UNDRIP, which has been 20 years in the making by the “experts”, is being done quietly in the background. No politician in Canada has warned of the dire consequences coming from this — not even Pierre Poilievre, or Michelle Rempel, the supposed CPC watchdogs, have uttered a word of warning.
In fact, Pierre Poilievre in his leadership acceptance speech said, “We will restore to First Nations more control of their land, money, and decision-making.” while omitting the fact that they are, or already have, claimed every square inch of Canada, its territories, and resources through UNDRIP Article 26.
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UNDRIP Article 26.1
“Indigenous peoples have the right to the lands, territories and resources which they have traditionally owned, occupied or otherwise USED or acquired.”
How is this possible? Three days after the October 2019 Federal election, John Horgan and his BC government adopted UNDRIP. Then in June of 2021, the Federal MPs and Senate passed Bill C-15: Key points are outlined below. You can read it in its entirety here: canada.justice.gc.ca/eng/trans/ bm-mb/other-autre/c15/c15.html
The Purpose of this Act is to:
4.a) affirm the Declaration (UNDRIP) as a universal, international, human rights instrument with application in Canadian law.
5. The Government of Canada, must in consultation and cooperation with Indigenous peoples, take all measures necessary to ensure that the laws of Canada are consistent with the declaration (UNDRIP).
On June 24, 2014, the Vancouver city council voted unanimously that the city is situated on the unceded territory of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh Peoples and that they are the Rights and Title holders of the land.
On October 25, 2022, Vancouver city’s UNDRIP task force released its report titled “City of Vancouver UNDRIP’s Strategy”, (council.vancouver.ca/20221025/ documents/p1.pdf) stating the same (see P. 9.2) and, that the city upholds the rights in the UN declaration. The report also states the following;
- That revenue sharing is needed through taxes, fees, etc. (P. 16 – 1.13, P. 21)
- Calls for shared governance respecting their laws. (P. 11.1)
- To look for embedded colonialism. (P. 11.4)
- For the police to be trained on UNDRIP and for indigenous to be on their boards. (P. 19, 20)
- Expand lands for Cultural Practices and ensure access to clean marine and freshwater as well as harvesting sites. (P. 14 1.6, P. 15 1.10)
- To give just and fair redress for previous land use. (P. 15 last paragraph.)
- To make the city the employer of choice for indigenous. (P. 16 -1.16, 1.17)
- To deal with Environmental Racism caused by hazardous industrial projects. (P. 17)
- For property managers to be trained in cultural safety and to consider the transfer of title to the tenants. (P. 18 2.8c and d)
- Address the return of lands. (P. 22) • Restore their Indigenous laws across the city. (P. 24 – 4.4)
- Return the original languages to the land. (P. 25 – 4.10) and exclusive access to cultural sites. (P. 25 – 4.7b)
And much, much, more.
The good news is that Vancouver’s new city Mayor and council are the ones to implement these radical changes. If the citizens see what is happening and push back strongly they may have an effect.
This Vancouver document lays out what the world can expect when UNDRIP is implemented. Notice how it’s being rolled out in municipal, provincial, and county jurisdictions. It will radically disrupt everything.
The Indigenous need to see they are being used for the WEF – World Economic Forum agenda of “You will own nothing and be happy” by 2030.
It gets worse. Even though UNDRIP was in development for 20 years by the Indigenous “experts”, there is no definition of Indigenous in the document. The UN website has no official definition either, only a mention of “others” definitions. This is confirmed in the exclusive video of the C-15 standing committee, where Romeo Saganash, the main pusher of UNDRIP in Canada, states the same. See: www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4yP_kHe7EQ
While Bill C-15 uses section 35.2 of the Canadian Constitution to identify Indigenous as “aboriginal peoples of Canada” and includes the Indians, Inuit, and Métis peoples of Canada”, C-15 states that all Canadian law is to be consistent with UNDRIP, which does not define Indigenous.
While Canada is being parceled out to the various Indian, Inuit, and Métis peoples, other people will claim the same right because Indigenous defined in law dictionaries means: A natural-born subject or citizen, or, Born of the land.
They will do this by using UNDRIP Article 36.2: Indigenous peoples, in particular those divided by international borders, have the right to maintain and develop contacts, relations and cooperation, including activities for spiritual, cultural, political, economic and social purposes, with their members as well as other peoples across borders.
This beta test was demonstrated in Toronto’s Nathan Phillips Square in 2020, as documented in a Rebel News video: OCCUPIED TORONTO: Mayor surrenders public square to thugs. Go to: www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sWkY65vqI0 and start at the 9:40 mark.
Then there is UNDRIP Article 46.1 which no politician, or news media, wants to talk about. Remember, ALL Canadian law is to be consistent with this. It states: Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, people, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act contrary to the Charter of the United Nations.
It is best for everyone to at least read some key articles about UNDRIP. Just search for the UNDRIP Document and read articles 5, 26, 28, 29.1, 30, 32.1, 36, and 46. This is a 5-minute read. Remember, this allows the UN to claim all of Canada and control it!
In a recent Jordan Peterson video titled “Showdown With Ottawa”, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith talks about using UNDRIP to force the federal government to accept pipelines from Alberta to the Hudson Bay, so tankers can send oil to Europe.
Ottawa can easily kill this grand plan by invoking a tanker ban in the Hudson Bay as they did on the West Coast via Bill C-48. Curiously, there is no tanker ban on the east coast bringing in Saudi oil.
Some could make the argument that Danielle’s plan is not about pipelines at all, it’s just the sell. That the plan is actually about fully entrenching UNDRIP into AB, SK and MB, at a time when provinces should be fully rejecting it and calling it out as a foreign, destabilizing weapon against humanity, that will fundamentally change and severely damage our nation.
How Can We Stop This?
Get this in the mainstream media, or at least the alternative media. Believe me, I have tried. It’s hard to get their attention. Yet this is the most important, untold story in Canada and the World.
Educate your friends on this matter. Share the videos I list below.
Read at least the key Articles of UNDRIP (see above) so you have first-hand knowledge.
Read my letter sent to the MPs and Senators before the C-15 vote, as I lay out the serious issues of UNDRIP: www.ffcs.info/undrip
Contact politicians on this matter as they are the ones implementing this. Warn them of potential consequences and how they are liable if they forward this.
If a new indigenous property tax is added, whether hidden or not, and you pay it, you will be acknowledging their ownership of the land you bought. This is a sticky point most will eventually face. Do we just pay it to go along to get along, relinquishing our land right, or do we fight it? Study article 26.1 to mount your defence. I envision class action lawsuits.
Please look for the following video titles to share from my YouTube channel here: www.youtube.com/channel/ UCHf4Jltr7XCSEe7QXsiw-QQ. If YouTube ‘book burns’ the channel, the videos are mirrored on odysee.com also under my name (Ron Vaillant).
- UNDRIP – There Are New Owners for Your Property. Bill C-15.
- BOMBSHELL – Vancouver City Has New Owners.
- Learn How You Will Lose Your Land
- UNDRIP – Caribou Recovery – UN Agenda 2030 – Connecting the Dots.
- New Zealand UNDRIP • Understanding UN Agenda 21 / 2030 in 2 Minutes.
The Most Important Video You Will See About Your Future. Short Version
Finally, here is a recent interview I did with Odessa Orlewicz of librti.com titled: The New World Order Has Officially Just Captured Vancouver:
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