Do You Trust Your Government


Do You Trust Your Government?

Published On: October 1, 2021Tags: ,

By David Wilson |

There can be no trust and ultimately no real democracy without transparency; if the government lies, is economical with the truth or simply allows the media to only show one side of the story, then how can any of us know what is going on, or what we are voting for?

Nowadays, politicians lie with impunity. The media churn out the government propaganda and any who dare to question the official narrative are ignored or dismissed as conspiracy theorists.

It is essential that we point out to people that the governments have lied to us on countless occasions in the past and it is certain that they are lying to us now.

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In 2003, I could see that Iraq had no ‘weapons of mass destruction’ and I marched alongside two million others demanding no war. If we knew that there were no weapons of mass destruction, do you really believe for a minute that the biggest ‘intelligence’ agency the world has ever seen couldn’t have figured it out? The U.S. and UK wanted war and they lied to us to ensure they got it.

And now to protect us from a virus that might not be a virus they want us to get a ‘vaccine’ that is not even a vaccine, when the only thing we can be sure of is that the ‘vaccine’ has had no long-term testing, as there has been no long term in which to test it.

Most people should already have doubts and concerns about the integrity and honesty of their government, but many of us have friends and family who trust implicitly, their entire belief system wrapped up in a lifetime of being deceived, and now scared to pull the thread in case that belief-system begins to unravel. These are the people we need to reach out to with clear and concise arguments and information.

Ask why a covid death is still ‘any death that occurs within 28 days of a covid test’. This can only ever be an exaggeration. Most importantly ask why, when covid deaths are so easy to determine and broadcast, that vaccine deaths are so elusive and hardly mentioned.

It is neither pleasant nor easy showing someone that their government is lying, but telling the truth must never be something we should ever feel guilty about. None of us do this solely for ourselves; we do it for friends and family and for everyone who deserves better, in order that we have some sort of freedom, autonomy and dignity in the world we’re living in now and most importantly for the future. And we do this so that our governments and our elected representatives are accountable, that they act honestly in our interests and not the billionaires who line their pockets.

I am not a religious person, but I can see the merit of the ten commandments; a guide to ALL the people, rich and poor. The ninth commandment is generally translated as ‘Thou shalt not lie’. The legal system is based on the idea that everyone should tell ‘the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth’. So what went wrong?

The Official Secrets Act (OSA) has its place; I wouldn’t have expected Churchill in 1944 to have announced ‘next week we will be invading France, at Normandy’. That is the sort of event the OSA is designed for, but at the end of WWII it should have been reduced, not expanded to cover anything the state does not want the public to know. It’s a licence to lie, deceive and commit horrendous crimes under the cover of ‘national security’.

They are continuing to exaggerate the ‘covid deaths’, they aren’t telling us about the THOUSANDS of ‘vaccine’ deaths, and they aren’t telling us where the disease came from. Anyone still trusting the government?

Many people are asking how we can possibly win against such enormous odds. Anyone who has ever climbed a mountain will know that you can rarely see the summit when you start out. All you can do is prepare as best you can and take one step at a time.

We have the truth on our side and the longer this goes on the more ridiculous the propaganda and lies will seem. Then, as the cogs start whirring and the unravelling begins, they themselves might start asking questions and join us as we climb that mountain… one step at a time.
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