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Absurdity Observer – February 2021

Published On: February 1, 2021Tags: , ,

A List Of Some Of The Most Absurd Things That Have Happened In Recent Weeks!

  • Elon Musk surpassed Jeff Bezos as the richest person in the world according to Bloomberg, growing his wealth by over $166 billion USD in 2020. While most US Billionaires “only” grew their wealth by about a third in 2020. Musk’s wealth grew nearly 7-fold in 2020!
  • Bill Gates is now the biggest private owner of farmland in the US. He owns 242,000 acres across 18-states.
  • Ontario mom was fined $880 under the Reopening Ontario Act for leaving her kids with grandparents while running errands.

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  • Toronto man who was arrested under the Reopening Ontario Act commits suicide hours after being released from hospital. Demian, 24, was arrested for obstructing police for not quickly agreeing to show his ID while police questioned his reasoning for being out (to get bubble tea).
  • Canadians are calling for transparency to see if Ontario Premier Doug Ford is profiting from the provincial government policy on lockdowns and social distancing. Ford’s family business, Deco Labels, supplies products for the consumer packaging industry, a growing field in the current lockdown climate where most local businesses are shuttered and many products must be delivered.
  • London Health Sciences Centre fires neonatal nurse after it was discovered she attended a medical freedom protest in Washington, DC with a group called Global Frontline Nurses. Another nurse associated with the group was also fired from her job at a Toronto nursing home after expressing concerns in a video about the vaccine and visitation restrictions on seniors.
  • Fourteen members of a homeless outreach effort called “Project Phoenix” were each ticketed $880 by Hamilton police for not socially distancing while clothing and feeding the homeless.
  • Chief W.H.O. scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan announced that, while the vaccine is thought to prevent symptoms, there is still no evidence the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine prevents the spread of SARS-CoV-2. Shortly before this announcement Pfizer’s CEO sold 62% of his shares.
  • After a homeless man dies, Quebec premier says no exceptions to their 8:00pm curfew, claiming people will pretend to be homeless to avoid fines. The homeless man froze to death inside of a portable toilet steps away from a homeless shelter that was forced to close their doors at night.
  • Minnesota state lawmakers call for an audit of COVID-19 death certificates in an effort to find “the real COVID-19 death count” after a review of thousands of COVID-19 deaths in Minnesota by State Rep. Mary Franson and Sen. Scott Jensen found that 25% of the COVID-19 deaths listed either never tested positive for COVID-19 or died of clear unrelated causes.
  • Numerous Pastors in Ontario have been charged under the Reopening Ontario Act for holding church services. This charge carries a maximum fine of $100,000 and up to one year in jail.
  • The Ontario government has mandated that small businesses cannot deliver a product to a customer’s doorstep after 8pm but third party couriers can, allowing Amazon to flourish while small businesses continue to struggle.
  • According to a study done by The Observer, more than 70,000 households in the UK were made homeless during the pandemic, with tens of thousands more on the brink of homelessness.
  • An estimated 1.56 billion face masks entered oceans in the year 2020 (according to a report by OceansAsia).
  • New York Supreme Court judge saves 80-yearold COVID patient on a ventilator from death by ordering the hospital to give her the shouldn’t-becontroversial-yet-somehow-controversial drug, “Ivermectin.”
  • In a recent press conference, when questioned as to why government gyms were running when all other gyms were closed, Manitoba’s top public health official Dr. Brent Roussin said: “Our public health orders don’t apply to any levels of government.”
  • In Italy, as of January 15 2020, over 30,000 businesses and restaurants banded together and opened, despite coronavirus restrictions.
  • The CDC removed the statement “Vaccines do not cause Autism” from their Vaccine Safety page after the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) won a Lawsuit against the CDC for “making this claim without evidence.” ICAN claims there are no studies on this topic using the vaccines given before 6 months of age. ICAN postulates that it is possible that the DTAP vaccine in particular, or the combination of multiple vaccines in a short time span, when given before 6 months of age, may cause autism and is asking for a scientific study to rule this possibility out.
  • “Journalists are not essential” according to several Toronto police officers. Since Ontario’s “stay-athome orders” were enacted, police have been arresting and/or fining lockdown protesters and non-accredited journalists covering the protests at Yonge-Dundas Square, Queen’s Park, and Nathan Phillips Square. Even a CityNews news cameraman was told on camera “I’m giving you the opportunity to leave on your own admission or you will be fined.” Previously only protest organizers and lead figures were fined at these protests.
  • With less than a 30-hour warning, Twitter alternative social media site “Parler” was de-platformed by the Apple App store, the Google Store, and Amazon Web Services (which shutdown their site). In an anti-trust lawsuit with AWS, Parlor claims Twitter is committing the same offences as Parler.
  • 200,000 Canadian children are “unaccounted for”, according to The Institute for 21st Century Questions. These previously schooled children are currently not in any school at all (neither physical or virtual).
  • “Pets might need coronavirus jabs to help stop the spread of COVID-19” according to University of Minnesota scientists, among others, who published in the journal Virulence.