Doug Ford: “come by Mcdonalds and buy an order of fries” seriously?
By Shawn Jason
I find it quite absurd to think that in the middle of a health crisis, Ontario’s Premiere Doug Ford is urging people to eat McDonalds.
In a video/ad he posted on his instagram account on November 10th, he is shown standing in front of a McDonalds holding a large order of fries, and he says “How are you doing everyone? I encourage you to come by McDonalds and buy an order of fries. It’s called “Fries For Good”. From November the 10th to November the 30th is going to Ronald McDonald House. A great, great organization, helps so many families. But come and get the fries. I always say McDonalds has the best fries anywhere. (eats a french fry) Mmm. Tasty!”
Well, there are a few things to this I would like to comment on.
First thing, why the heck is the ‘leader’ of 14,446,515 people in Ontario encouraging people to eat french fries? During a ‘pandemic?? Everybody knows those are terribly unhealthy for us. (Isn’t he even a living example of unhealthy?) And being that we are in the midst of a global health emergency (or so the story goes), wouldn’t a truly caring leader be promoting things that are actually good for us and which help boost our immune systems and make us more resistant to viruses, in turn, saving more lives? Maybe I missed it (admittedly, I don’t watch a lot of him yammering on) but I have not heard one single piece of good health advice from Doug McFord, ever!
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“Stay inside” (danger is lurking everywhere) “Wear a mask” (psychological breaking us down, literally) “Show you care” (hardcore manipulation of the good hearts in people). That’s all I hear from this man. Oh, and also, “Get Tested” (*sigh, too much to try summarizing this in a set of brackets)
No, instead on his Twitter account, back on May 15th of this year, he posted a video and told us “This long weekend try making my famous cheesecake! I’ve been making this recipe for years and it always brings back good family memories.”
Seriously Dougie? Cheesecake? Really??
People are supposedly dropping like flies all over the province from a killer cold virus and you are telling people to eat cheesecake? And now McDonalds, too? You really gotta be kidding me.
How about being a decent human being and encouraging people to eat more healthy foods or to take vitamins & minerals like C, D, Zinc & others. You know, the stuff that is proven to be extremely beneficial at keeping our bodies strong against viruses?
If you really CARE about people, how about some advice that is actually HELPFUL to the people? Or are you just cashing in on your social media influencer status? Come on. (Honestly, I believe it runs much deeper than just a sponsorship check.)
Second point and even worse point (because this is being forced on people whereas your silly grinning mug pitching McDonalds still leaves people with freedom of choice to buy or not.)
Oh wait, but they don’t really have freedom of choice now, do they? No, because you have been crushing the majority of Ontario’s small & medium size businesses while driving mass amounts of customers, sales & money to those who are already way beyond wealthy. What are you thinking, man?? Promoting a massive transnational corporation like that, while you are literally crushing the majority of small and medium size businesses in Ontario?
Is this reality even really happening???
Doug, I think you know the immense severity of what you are doing, and the people are waking up. We see you. And we are growing.
If I had my druthers, I’d fire Doug McFord!
P.S. Who in their right mind wears latex gloves in their own kitchen to make a cheesecake? And blatantly obvious bright blue ones even. Could your psychological manipulation tactics be any more apparent there, Mr. McFord? But, I digress as I said I wouldn’t wander too far the rabbit hole on this one.
P.P.S. I must admit, as I read this over I am feeling a little sense of ‘absurdity’ in publishing this. I too, simply by sharing this article with others, will be inadvertently advertising McDonalds. Wow. Is there no escape? Lol.?
Be well. Love lots. No fear.
Shawn Jason