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Five Reasons To Have Hope For Humanity In 2021 & Beyond

Published On: January 1, 2021Tags:

By Mark DeNicola

2020 has certainly been an “interesting” year to say the least. And while there are at least two very different perspectives towards everything that’s been happening -including who may or may not ultimately be behind it all, and to what end -it’s been undeniably challenging for all of us.

Even the most introverted among us cannot love a reality where we are largely kept away from our loved ones, discouraged from leaving the “comforts” of our own home for anything other than the bare essentials, and a looming fear of either or both the virus itself or what could come from its continued presence.

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It has taken its toll on all of us, but it has also given us a number of glimpses into humanity that I’m sure many of us thought we may never see in this lifetime. Here are 5 reasons why despite all of the ugliness that 2020 has brought out in all of us, I still personally hold hope for humanity in 2021 and beyond:

1. People (For The Most Part) Are Inherently Good

While either watching the mainstream news or scrolling through your favorite social media newsfeed may serve as better proof of the opposite, I’m a firm believer that there are substantially more examples of the goodness in people than there is proof of the less than flattering. True heroes have risen out of this situation in communities all across the world, whether or not their actions are in alignment with your overall perspective of what’s going on.

Yes, the healthcare worker that has been working overtime to give people the care they need is a hero that cares, even if you think this entire situation is a hoax. And yes, the person fighting to ensure we are given the full story before rolling up our sleeves to accept anything is a hero that cares, even if you’ve been hoping and praying for that substance’s arrival. Heroes are everywhere and in even far less outwardly noticeable ways if you just choose to look for them without bias.

2. The Response In Support Of Local Businesses

While certain mega-companies may be thriving like never before since this entire situation kicked in, there has also been a very heartwarming response by many of us to stand by and support local businesses. Whether it’s by continuing to purchase from them through curb-side pickup, promoting them through social media, or even standing up against any differences in how they are allowed to operate by comparison to the big box chains, quite a few of us have been doing our part to show that we care. We want to see them remain a part of our community moving forward.

3. How Much We’ve Already Withstood To Make It To This Point

As I said to open this piece, 2020 hasn’t been easy. The fact that we are all still here is a testament to just how resilient and capable we are of overcoming what is still to come our way.

4. The Power of Our Mind’s Desire To Get Beyond This

I’m a firm believer in the incredible power of our mind, and just how much of an impact it can have on our ability to sink or swim in challenging times. With this situation now having gone on for months, I don’t know anyone that isn’t longing to freely spend quality time with their loved ones, to gather at mass events, to travel or do any of the seemingly endless number of things that currently aren’t possible. That desire to me is a powerful fuel that will drive us all to ensure 2021 and beyond are much closer to what the human experience was designed to be: free.

5. We Are Largely All Driven By The Same Core Intention

This is by far the biggest reason why I am holding out hope for humanity in 2021 and beyond, so please read these words carefully. As divided as we may currently seem, where some of us see things in one way while many others see things completely differently, but both think the other are flat out crazy and/or “blind” to not be in agreement with them, we actually have the same core intention.

Yes, believe it or not, the person who believes QAnon and the person who trusts Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates both ultimately want the same thing: for them and their loved ones to be healthy, happy and free.

We cannot lose sight of that core similarity -and it’s a similarity that exists even if your beliefs aren’t as drastic as the examples I chose to give for dramatic effect. So rather than creating another post where you label the other as either a “sheep” or “conspiracy theorist” remember that you really aren’t that different after all. And the sooner we cut the name calling and instead start focusing on how we can truly get beyond this, while uncovering whatever the truth really is, the sooner we can all get back to what we know and love.

Originally published & used with permission by