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Immiseration In The 4th Industrial Revolution: The Insights Of Alison Mcdowell

Published On: January 1, 2021Tags: , , ,

By Guy Crittenden

Each year the Oxford English Dictionary selects new words to officially add to the language, sometimes with great fanfare. For 2020, I nominate the term “immiseration” — which I learned from JP and Julie Collins at Book of Ours (a website and YouTube channel), who’ve spent much of the year making video essays about the important work of Philadelphia-based researcher Alison McDowell.

The term which, as you’d expect, refers to the process of making people miserable, captures the zeitgeist of 2020’s self-distanced, masked and divisive developments, the erosion of our civil liberties, and the “new normal” in which apparently we’re disease vectors who dare not sit near one another in a restaurant — something unimaginable when we were first asked to “flatten the curve.”

No one wants misery, which is why World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab’s vision of the socalled Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) will never be fully implemented. Yet many of its dimensions are moving forward without much opposition because they’re unknown, being the product of invitation-only meetings like Bilderberg.

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The aforementioned McDowell offers key insights into what the global elites have planned for us, beyond the COVID narrative. Their schemes are disturbing even if we set aside the eugenicist/transhumanist and depopulation dimension.

According to McDowell, if people don’t rise up, we face a future of “digital chattel slavery, our freedoms stolen by automation, artificial intelligence, ubiquitous surveillance, and synthetic biology. Track and trace apps will be replaced with injectable nanorobotic biosensors. Look to Profusa’s collaboration with DARPA and Moderna’s ‘software of life.’”

McDowell’s writing is peppered with terms that seem derived from science fiction, gleaned from various think tanks and banking firms, which have pioneered novel investments in “human capital bond” markets and a gamified, tokenized economy.

Oligarchs like Gates, Schwab and Bloomberg would “would render us digitally, feed us into markets, trade us as data commodities, and harness our spirits to hasten the Singularity.” Memorably she implores: “Once our jobs are given to robots and algorithms we will be expected to embrace transhumanism to fuel their anti-life Matrix.”

McDowell initially studied the threat to public education from charter schools, then expanded to healthcare and other markets. Every aspect of the economy is being taken over by the deep state in concert with Big Data, Big Pharma, and Big Oil, packaged and marketed in the seductive language of racial and gender equality and sustainable development.

Health and wellness equate to everyone being fully vaccinated; it’s assumed that everything from shopping to school to a doctor’s visit is better if it’s online, ergo we have tele-health and tele-education, and smart meters and smart cities.

While certain environmental protection goals are laudable, McDowell warns the technocrats have chosen to build a militarized simulation in place of degrowth, reciprocity, and right relationships between people, and between humans and nature.

2020 was the year when global elites concentrated their power and shifted capitalism into the digital realm. VR is for them what the New World was for the investors who sponsored Christopher Columbus and the other explorers: a vast new commons ripe for exploitation and a population ready for subjugation.

“Through gamification and augmented reality,” McDowell writes, “stakeholder capitalists aim to reengineer life so it can continue to serve the interests of consumer culture and debt finance. Digital twinning will emerge in a few more years once 6G replaces 5G. NYU Tandon is working on that now.

“Social impact investing, pay for success finance, and development impact bonds are aligned to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. Fourteen of the seventeen relate to vaccination, a central feature of the cybernetic program.

IBM, Google, Amazon, MasterCard and Goldman Sachs are among the companies designing a bewildering suite of new businesses and technologies for which the public is woefully unprepared. Microsoft has a patent with 060606 in its title and Luciferine in its ingredients that will mine our biometric data much as computers mine Bitcoin. Biometric passports and digital identities will aggregate data for investors. (This is why the technocrats are so hellbent on installing 5G systems despite their dangerous EMF radiation.) “

Smart environments with sensors as small as dust will transmit information about our activities from the cellular level to our social relations in real time,” McDowell states.

Financiers have designed markets in measurable behaviour change, predicted and tracked by Silicon Valley technology. It can be difficult to grasp how this all works, but imagine bets placed on poor children and, say, their educational outcomes. None of this is about making the world a better place: as McDowell notes, “Human capital futures markets will be fueled by misery, poverty and trauma, all of which are in abundant supply with these lockdowns.”

Our immiseration is by design.

Welcome to the world of stakeholder capitalism and its financialized “green” totalitarian schemes — a planet “geofenced” with COVIPASS immunization passports, its inhabitants branded and contact traced like cattle and ranked via Chinese-style social credit score systems. It’s the collusion of big business and big government, the literal definition of fascism. Yet it’s a stranger mashup of fascism and communism called “technocracy.” You never voted for it, yet it’s being imposed. Unelected bureaucrats at the WHO and corporatists are deciding your future, what can go in your body, and where you can move about. You’re being controlled — to the extent of being told how many relatives you can have for Christmas dinner; many have exchanged their freedom for the illusion of safety. Yet, here it is.

Guy Crittenden is a freelance writer and author of the award-winning book The Year of Drinking Magic: Twelve Ceremonies with the Vine of Souls (Apocryphile Press, San Francisco). Follow Guy at