Dr Kory
Dr. Pierre Kory speaking at a Senate Committee Hearing on early outpatient COVID-19 treatments.
YouTube Censors Prominent Physician-Researcher’s Senate Hearing
By Tea Lynn @tealynnm
On December 8th, 2020, Dr. Pierre Kory gave a very passionate speech while appearing as a witness before a Senate Committee Hearing on early outpatient COVID-19 treatments. Dr. Kory, president of the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), called for the government to swiftly review the already expansive and still rapidly emerging evidence on Ivermectin.
“We are a group of some of the most highly published physicians in the world, we have nearly 2000 peer-reviewed publications among us, led by Dr. Professor Paul Marik — who’s our intellectual leader (and wrote the book on critical care medicine). We came together early on, in the pandemic and all we have sought is to review the world’s literature on every facet of this disease, trying to develop effective protocols.”
The FLCCC is known for their Math+ protocol– an effective COVID-19 treatment that combines the use of corticosteroids, vitamins, and other medications. Dr. Kory’s first senate committee hearing on May 8th also went viral when he advocated for the use of corticosteroids, against the recommendations of the WHO and NIH. Thanks to Dr. Kory’s first testimony, many hospitals were already using corticosteroids weeks before the WHO changed its stance on corticosteroids in mid-June, following the release of their Dexamethasone pre-print study results.
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“I am severely troubled by the fact that the NIH, the FDA and the CDC — I do not know of any task force that was assigned or compiled to review repurposed drugs in an attempt to treat this disease. Everything has been about novel and/or expensive pharmaceutical-engineered drugs, things like Tocilizumab and Remdesivir and monoclonal antibodies and vaccines… I do not know of a task force that has focused on re-purposed drugs. I will tell you that my group and our organization, I will say that we have filled that void.”
“I want to talk about the fact that we have a solution to this crisis. There is a drug that is proving to be of miraculous impact. And when I say miracle, I do not use that term lightly. I don’t want to be sensationalized when I say that. That is a scientific recommendation based on mountains of data that has emerged in the last three months.
When I am told that we are touting things that are not FDA or NIH recommended. Let me be clear, the NIH’s recommendation on Ivermectin, which is to not use it outside of control trials, is from August 27th. We are now in December. This is three to four months later. Mountains of data have emerged from many centers and countries around the world showing the miraculous effectiveness of Ivermectin. It basically obliterates transmission of this virus. If you take it you will not get sick.
It has already won the Nobel prize in medicine in 2015 for its impacts on global health in the eradication of parasitic diseases. It is proving to be an immensely powerful antiviral and anti-inflammatory agent. It is critical for its use in this disease.
We again, stand by our manuscript… but please recognize peer review takes time, it takes months. We do not have months… I’m a lung specialist, I’m an ICU specialist. I’ve cared for more dying COVID patients than anyone can imagine… Early treatment is key… and if I have to go back to work next week, any further deaths are going to be needless deaths, and I cannot be traumatized by that. I cannot keep caring for patients when I know that they could have been saved with earlier treatment and the drug that will treat them and prevent the hospitalization is Ivermectin.”
The scientific paper Dr. Kory is asking the NIH to review is a meta-analysis of various studies reviewed by his team. The meta-analysis includes a variety of studies, including 11 randomized controlled trials (RCT) with over 4000 patients. Typically, meta-analysis studies that include RCTs are often referred to as “the platinum standard of evidence.” His results: Ivermectin was found to be 98% effective in preventing COVID when compared to placebo controls. It was also 91% effective in early COVID and 60% effective in late COVID when compared to standard of care.
Dr. Kory’s meta-analysis concluded that 100% of the RCTs found Ivermectin to be beneficial — with 1 in 2 million odds of this happening by chance. If you were to include all the studies on Ivermectin (100% of which report positive effects), there is an estimated 1 in 67 million chance that the treatment is ineffective. During his testimony, Dr. Kory emphasized “the drug is so safe” and that no safety concerns emerged as a result of his study. the positive results, Dr. Kory’s meta-analysis’ are being dismissed among officials because the randomized controlled trials were conducted in “2nd world countries” like India, Iraq, Egypt, and Argentina. If that is the true reason for dismissal, then the real question becomes: Why, after 7 months of Ivermectin looking like a promising COVID-19 have all the rich countries ignored the many calls from physicians to study the medication? After all, doctors have been pleading for governmental organizations to look into Ivermectin for many months. Ivermectin first gained widespread popularity in early June after the release of several promising studies. On June 22, following reports of thousands of people in Latin America using the veterinary formula, the WHO issued a statement saying that Ivermectin should not be used to treat COVID-19, and that it would not be included in its Solidarity Trials. A few weeks later, the NIH issued a similar statement and declined requests to study the drug.
To this day, there is only one early anti-viral treatment for COVID-19 that NIH and Health Canada have approved and endorsed: the unproven and expensive drug Remdesivir. With so many healthcare professionals speaking up about the potential effectiveness of Ivermectin, it’s been hard for social media’s so called “fact-checkers” to censor the scientific community — but that hasn’t stopped them from trying. The original video, uploaded by FLCCC Alliance, was removed by YouTube. Other videos that mentioned Dr. Kory’s metaanalysis were also censored, including a popular video made by Dr. Chris Martenson from the PeakProsperity YouTube channel. The Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance’s Facebook page was also put into “FB Jail” for 3 days following the release of their paper.
But don’t worry — copies of his meta-analysis and senate testimony are still out there and spreading like wildfire! You can (hopefully still) find a reuploaded version of the speech on Druther’s Facebook and/or NewTube Page.