It’s Time To Create Our Own New Reality
By Shawn Jason
Humanity is at a fork in the road. As this unbelievably bizarre year here on earth wraps up, I think it is pretty clear to everyone by now… there is no going back to how things were before. And maybe that’s not so bad, really. I’m sure most will agree, back was broken anyway in so many ugly ways. Humanity really needed a good, swift kick in the butt, and 2020 certainly provided that, with a steel toe boot!
Now, big change is upon us whether we like it or not. We must accept that. And now is the time for a really big decision by each and every one of us. Are we going to follow along with the new normal that is being hammered into humanity right now by just a tiny little fraction of a % of the population who care not for our best interests? Or are we going to grab hold of this thing and create a whole new reality of our own that is truly healthy, peaceful & prosperous for all?
I have great hope for humanity. I see us coming together to shake free from the power hungry few at the top who have been sucking the life force out of humanity for a very long time. I see us standing up, turning our backs on the old and beginning to create the new. I literally see it happening right now. This newspaper is one example.
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We are many and together we can literally make anything happen. But we must first re-learn how to connect and trust each other more. Together we are strong. Together we are unstoppable. Humanity is good. People are kind. Most humans are decent inside. The ways of the world have led a lot of us astray and distracted us with the concept of working hard and being ‘successful’ ‘individuals’ in life, keeping our attention on anything other than our true potentials and the reality of what is going on behind the scenes.
The good news is, we are beginning to see. Slowly but surely, yet faster and faster, we are waking up and seeing bigger. And only when we see can we decide to choose differently. This is an exciting time!
I have been watching more and more people begin to recognize, there is undoubtedly an intentional, global agenda to destabilize and essentially destroy humanity as we know it and all of its systems. We are being manipulated and moulded into accepting a new, highly controlled, corporate owned, terribly bleak reality that I assure you, we absolutely do not want. We must change course, immediately.
This is why I speak up. This is why I created this paper. I feel compelled to present information to the people that the mainstream is not, yet should be!
There are an astounding amount of expert voices all around the world saying these lockdowns are taking far more lives than they are saving. There are countless health professionals saying that this illness is easy to treat and that people need not be dying. More law enforcement are speaking out and over in Spain the police are even now standing with the people. (You did know that massive protests have been erupting all around the world to push back against lockdowns & extreme overreach of governments, right?)
There is clearly (once one looks at all the evidence without heavy pre-judgements) a global agenda being rolled out on all of humanity, and it doesn’t look pretty. I know it is a tough pill for many to swallow, but it really must be looked at by all because if we are right, then nothing matters more, than for us to stop this agenda and start building our own new reality.
So I implore you, please have a critical mind and look at things more deeply. You just may be surprised at what you find. And when you do get hungry to learn more, visit I’d love to see you there.
Thank you for reading this paper with a curious mind. The world is a much more grand and incredible reality than we yet realize, but we are beginning to ;) I love you.
Shawn Jason (creator of
P.S. It truly pains me to watch my fellow human beings afraid of getting close to one another, like we are all somehow a danger to each other, especially when all this fear is completely unnecessary. This fear has been hammered into us. And THAT is unhealthy. Please know, fear is over, if you want it.