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I, ROBOT: Understanding The Coming Cyborg Avatar Capitalism

Published On: February 1, 2021Tags: ,

By Guy Crittenden

While researching what World Economic Forum (WEF) Founder Klaus Schwab calls the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” (4IR) and the related “Internet of Things” (IoT) that are central to the current massive restructuring of the world economy, otherwise known as the Great Reset, I stumbled upon a very interesting policy paper from Professor Inami Masahiko of the University of Tokyo’s Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology. Prof. Masahiko presented on behalf of Working Group 1 of the Moonshot Research & Development Program’s 2019 International Symposium.

Moonshot is one of several international organizations tasked with envisioning the technological future of mankind and devising implementation strategies. This is done at the behest of globalists who meet behind closed doors at regular gatherings of elite organizations such as the WEF, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Bilderberg group, Davos, and any number of United Nations agencies such as the WHO, the IMF and the World Bank, many of which share connections to the Rockefeller family.

Masahiko’s paper addresses one of many sub-themes the Moonshot organization is working on — in this case, “Freedom from body limitations.” You can read the paper yourself here: sympo2019/report/initiative-report_wg1.pdf

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Let’s consider the positive potential of the Working Group 1 ideas, and then their potentially nefarious side; these are important concepts about which the public is largely unaware, but with which they must engage soon as our entire way of life is in the process of being upended (as you may have noticed recently).

The paper advances an emerging concept, named Cyborg Avatar Capitalism. Yes, you read that correctly, and no, this is not science fiction.

Cyborg Avatar Capitalism is an economic and social system in which human beings will perform work and engage in human services and recreational activities via robots and other devices connected to their bodies and minds using advanced technologies such as mechanical exoskeletons and brain-computer interfaces.

It will soon be possible to connect an ordinary person, or an elderly or disabled person, to various devices or costumes fitted with sensors, to perform tasks that vastly exceed their normal mental or physical capacity. A person wearing, for instance, a robotic arm, could pick up and move heavy objects. Via an internet connection, a surgeon would perform a complex surgery in a remote African village from an office in New York. Teachers and doctors and other professionals will conduct business remotely, with their students or patients or customers never having to leave home. Some of these technologies have already been deployed.

The vision outlined by Masahiko goes further. Against the background of an aging and economically stagnant Japan, he describes “Society 5.0” — in which economic activity is made more “democratic” by expanding it to include the elderly and infirm via technology; everyone can acquire “superhuman powers” to know things and be able to perform tasks through “avatars” that transcend their normal human capabilities.

This serves the Transhumanist agenda, in which avatars are central. And what is an “avatar,” exactly? There are two ways to think of it. The first is the kind of avatar we see in video games — you know, the character through whose eyes and ears you experience slaying a dragon or downing a World War Two aircraft, or jacking a car. The 4IR will invent and expand virtual worlds in which people, wearing VR headsets, will work and play in imaginary gamified scenarios, earning tokens and energy credits while supposedly “having fun.” It may not be “real” but it can still be immensely profitable (for someone), in much the same way as the Las Vegas Strip.

The second kind of avatar will be actual soft- or hard-skinned robots, controlled remotely by people’s hand gestures, eye movements and other controls (and ultimately through thought itself ). The technology for this is dramatically more advanced than most people realize. Journal articles can be found in which materials scientists discuss breakthroughs in injectable nanoparticle devices, or carbon-based skins and exoskeletons that could build an immortal (or close to immortal) human. Masahiko’s paper attaches dates for the imminent achievement of complex robot hands that mimic and even exceed the dexterity of a person, along with soft synthetic skins with as many (digital) nerve endings as a human being.

It appears the Netflix series Westworld is being midwived before our eyes.

In Society 5.0, humans 2.0 will divide their time between all manner of tasks around the globe; technology eliminates the constraints of space and time. In Masahiko’s vision, a person in Japan might operate a fleet of farm robots harvesting a crop on the other side of the world for an hour or two, then sit through a board meeting in Africa, then enjoy some playtime in a virtual world. They might put on some exoskeleton gear and sink a basketball from 20 meters, or offload a planeload of luggage in 20 minutes by themselves.

The positive side of this is fairly obvious, and the title of the paper presents these ideas in the most (cloyingly) positive tone: “Expanding human potential toward a society in which everyone can pursue their dreams.” And sure, we get it: AI and VR and robotic technology can help make weak limbs perform like strong ones; it can allow people to learn things quickly, and perform tasks remotely (even very remotely). Would anyone object to a device that steadies the hand of a brain surgeon? Or saves the back of a baggage handler? It’s doubtful.

But Masahiko’s paper and the ideas presented at the Moonshot symposium have a potentially dark side, and are ripe for abuse if the public doesn’t get informed and get involved. The paper’s very first sentence contains a highly debatable premise, that, “The progress of our civilization is the progress of tools; be it technology or social framework.”

I can think of many alternative metrics to assess social progress other than “tools.” Should we trust the implementation of these novel schemes to the very capital corporations and central bankers currently burning down the middle class in every country and eliminating small-scale competitors of Big Agriculture, Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Finance and (especially) Big Data. Respected American investigative journalist Whitney Webb already used a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to discover US intelligence agencies explicitly and approvingly discussing how to implement an AI-controlled technofascist system in America with Silicon Valley executives.

We must ask: Who will decide which technologies will be implemented, and how? Will the process be democratic, and will schemes be vetted to assess their true positive potential? And will the ideas be presented honestly to the public?

Researchers like Cory Morningstar and Alison McDowell have discovered that many schemes presented as eco-friendly or socially beneficial are in fact Trojan horses for corporate megaprojects that kick back super-profits to plutocrat investors. Plans to rapidly depopulate the planet are openly discussed by corporate elites, all gussied up in the feel good Davosspeak of sustainability and racial or gender equality. (Just what you’d tell the people you hope to enslave).

Masahiko’s paper suggests the technology of the 4IR will increase people’s productivity, and assumes this will translate into extended leisure for them. Yet the technology could just as easily be used to work people even harder to generate super-profits for a leisure class, as happened in each previous industrial revolution and their “robber barons.” Or people (like auto workers of late) might simply lose their jobs to machines, and become wards of the state, closely surveilled and tightly controlled in a system of social credit scores, vaccine passports, and time-dated digital welfare payments.

The robot army might initially be presented as soft-skinned, responsive personal care attendants, or even sex robots. Yet mechanized soldiers and riot control police will be just around the corner; we’ve all seen that creepy robot dog from Boston Dynamics whose destructive potential was well represented in an episode of the aptly-named British TV series Black Mirror. With recent heavyhanded police crackdowns on free speech and peaceful demonstrations in Canada and other countries (notably Australia), and the coercive rollout of inadequately tested experimental mRNA vaccines, it would be naive to assume the coming technology will be for everyone’s benefit. We can expect drones and robot dogs and cyborgs like in the film Robocop. And if we look carefully at, say, Microsoft’s biometrics technology patent — the one with the creepy 060606 in the title — a chilling picture emerges of people fitted with devices performing drudge work while being mined like Bitcoin.

And once the AI advances to where machines start building other machines (and continuously improve themselves), how long will the oligarchic class bother keeping people around at all? The Georgia Guidestones talk ominously of an eventual stable human population of just 500 million people. Some say about one billion people will be needed to code the technologies of the 4IR. What will be their fate when their usefulness has been transcended?

The leaders of the WEF and agencies like the WHO have already imposed draconian measures on countries, despite having not been elected by the citizens of those countries, and their not being accountable to them. Their willingness to falsify data to advance corporate interests is well documented. We’re risking our future not only as countries, but as a species if we fail to carefully examine, then challenge, innovations promoted by the global capitalists. A techno-fascist New World Order is being imposed, with increasingly powerful tools that could serve humanity properly, if only we’d assert our rights.

As Morpheus says in the film The Matrix, “I’m trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You’re the one that has to walk through it.”

You’ve been shown.

Guy Crittenden is a freelance writer and author of the award-winning book The Year of Drinking Magic: Twelve Ceremonies with the Vine of Souls (Apocryphile Press, San Francisco). Follow Guy at