

Health Minister Patricia Hajdu

When You Do Such A Bad Job That Nobody Is Willing To Praise You Legitimately, Paying People Is The Only Option

Published On: April 1, 2021Tags: ,

By Spencer Fernando

Blacklock’s Reporter has revealed that Patty Hajdu’s department is paying ‘influencers’ to praise their work on social media:

“.@GovCanHealth paying “influencers” to say nice things in social media aft Dept faulted for #pandemic mismanagement. Minor celebrities will “build the dept’s credibility” and must not “tarnish Health Canada’s or the Gov’t of Canada’s reputation.””

Here’s an excerpt of the report (the rest is paywalled):

“Health Minister Patricia Hajdu’s department is paying people to say nice things about it on Twitter and Facebook. The department yesterday said it will pay minor celebrities to tout its work “as a trusted source of health information” on social media after being faulted for pandemic mismanagement: “We are continuously adapting and learning.””

Hajdu’s terrible performance leaves the rest of us paying for BS propaganda.

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If Hajdu had done a good job, the health department wouldn’t need to pay for praise, it would be happening organically.

But of course, Hajdu hasn’t done a good job. She’s been perhaps the worst minister in the Trudeau government, wrong on everything, constantly reversing her advice, saying border controls would ’cause harm,’ putting virtue-signalling ahead of reality, trusting China, ignoring her own advice, and on and on and on.

In short, she has been so bad at the job that in addition to the price we’ve paid due to her terrible performance, we are now being forced to pay for people to spread fake praise about the department she so incompetently leads.

Originally published at: https://spencerfernando.com/2021/03/25/liberal-government-busted-paying-people-to-praise-hajdus-department-blacklocks/