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Don’t Leave Your OATH In Your Locker

Published On: April 1, 2021Tags: ,

By Vincent Gircys

Law enforcement officers in Canada and elsewhere take an oath. In our nation, they operate on a regiment of ethics and lawful guiding principles that claim to recognize the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as our legal foundation.

Depending on the Canadian police service, various Oaths taken contain a variety of terms and promises. The net result of the Oath and the police service ethics policy combined incorporates an expectation of Trust, Loyalty, Impartiality and Courage upon every serving police officer. Trust is the credibility of one’s behaviour based on integrity, intent, capability and results. Loyalty refers to the governing body, the citizens of your jurisdiction, the Queen or your country depending on the document. Courage is moral strength and the choice to willingly confront agony, danger and uncertainty of harm.

Impartiality is a key component to effective justice based on objective unbiased criteria.

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I have had the pleasure of working with thousands of men and women in blue from many different services for over 32 years. It was rewarding to work with so many dedicated and courageous members whose sacrifices and commitment even cost some their lives while protecting our citizens.

On occasion, law enforcement officers can experience situations where their oath has been compromised by their orders. These scenarios can occur within a legitimate crisis, an “emergency” real or fabricated, or even at the hands of an overly zealous superior or virtue seeking politician.

Any conflict between loyalty to one’s oath and a compromise of one’s integrity is every bit as dangerous to one’s moral compass and personal mental health just as is any job related trauma experienced in the line of duty.

We’re at a time in our history where we are all facing and witnessing questionable directives in clear violation of our Rights and Freedoms.

These directives need to be met with moral courage above all else. These rights and freedoms from tyranny were paid for with the lives and blood of our nation’s soldiers. The ‘receipts’ for this purchase are engraved on cenotaphs, memorials and gravestones across our nation.

Keeping Canada “strong and free” can only be preserved through constant vigilance, moral courage and accountability. Not all wars upon freedom are the same.

It is abundantly clear that corporate foundations and entities are pursuing private objectives while dismissing our fundamental Rights. Our governments and law enforcement leaders have failed to produce justification of these directives. This lack of justification must be challenged.

The violation of these Rights, so easily dismissed by our governments without supporting data have already led to the arrest and jailing of Pastor James Coates for providing church services. In addition, numerous violent arrests for peaceful protesting, attending a retail outlet with a valid mask exemption, skating on a frozen pond or skateboarding outdoors without a face covering. Etc. etc.

In addition to these frivolous, politically based arrests, thousands of charges were laid for spending time with friends or family, attending or holding Church services, failing to stay at home or failing to unnecessarily quarantine when returning to Canada following a negative test result.

Many of our ancestors laid down their lives fighting to prevent tyranny from landing on our soil with intent to trespass upon our fundamental freedoms. It’s about time all Canadians wake up and start asking questions while you still can…

Chrystia Freeland, our Canadian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance sits on the World Economic forum with Klaus Schwab. He has already declared that; “In ten years, you will own nothing!” I beg your pardon Klaus, we own our freedom and we have the ‘receipts’.

The evidence speaks for itself, Ms. Freeland has already stated that; “asking questions is not responsible behaviour”. I said pardon? Not only is that flippant remark an insult to our freedoms of speech but a clear and early indicator of her endorsement of censorship and pending tyrannical ambition.

Like her oxymoronic surname itself, her ambitions and those of her silent colleagues are a part of a conflicted globalist scheme to control by confusion; All to undo and usurp our nation, its resources and our way of life. I have never seen any criminal stop to confess to committing a wrongful act while they are in the middle of it. Some like Freeland will proudly pose for a pic with George Soros. These people require righteous confrontation as do all our leaders.

Don’t ever expect these people to admit the truth in the present. Do not relent or enable them to continue unquestioned. Let your local, provincial and federal management of our nation and our law enforcement agencies hear and see you coming in the rear view mirror.

Failure to address these arrogant individuals will indeed enable a collision between our freedoms and their ambitions. This madness in our midst is simply reckless operation of an Oath and a public trust while ‘stunt driving’ our country into a wall. Your children, grandchildren and our future is being taken for a ride in their back seat. It’s time to take the keys and please don’t leave your Oath in your locker, wherever you may be.

Vincent Gircys is a former O.P.P. officer with 32 years of service.