

Did Ordinary Citizens Just Arrest Mayor Bonnie Crombie in Mississauga, Ontario?

Published On: April 1, 2021Tags: ,

By Richard Enos of

As this ‘Pandemic’ wears on, it is becoming evident to a growing number of citizens that the measures being levied upon us and our children by our elected officials and school boards are getting ever further divorced from the science, statistics and plain common sense about what is best for our health. The only logical explanation left for people who are doing their research is that our elected leaders and school board officials are simply following an agenda of control that is being thrust upon them from above.

While protests and rallies against these measures have been ongoing in Canada and around the world, a growing number of people here in Ontario have concluded that these activities have done little to elicit a response from our highly insulated elected officials. An Ontario group by the name of Stand4Thee (www.Stand4Thee. com) has spearheaded an effort to hold our elected leaders directly accountable, and rather than continuing to wait for the slow and grinding wheels of our current court system to deliver some measure of justice, Stand4Thee has decided to educate themselves and others on the Common Law, and implement immediate Common Law actions commensurate with the urgency of the situation, especially in regards to the magnitude of damage being inflicted on our children.

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The Arrest of Bonnie Crombie

On the morning of March 20, 2021, over 200 ordinary citizens came together in Celebration Square in Mississauga to participate in a Common Law court proceeding to process a summons that was sent to Mississauga Mayor Bonnie Crombie a day earlier by 3 members of Stand4Thee:

Summons under common law and natural justice To Bonnie Crombie the [woman] acting as the mayor of the Service Corporation of MISSISSAUGA Whereas you have been accused before the men and women and parents of MISSISSAUGA in that you, Have committed an ongoing assault and abuse on the children of the service corporation of the REGION OF PEEL and the service corporation of the CITY OF MISSISSAUGA You are to appear at Mississauga Celebration Square on 20th day of March 2021 at 10:10 am. Issued at the service corporation of MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO this 19th day of March, 2021

Daniel Warren Oke,
Rebecca Sheppard,
Cullen Mcdonald

If you do not appear you will be tried in absentia by a jury of twelve of your peers.

If you are found guilty and a fine is levied against you it will be handed to the International Tribunal, the International Criminal Court, the International Common Law Court, Interpol and the United States Alliance.

Now there are some particularities in this summons, including names being in lower case and in red, to distinguish them from upper case names that are used in a different legal jurisdiction that I have heard called Maritime Law, Admiralty Law, or Law Merchant. I won’t comment on the nature of this law until I can do more research, except to say that Common Law appears to have a higher jurisdiction, and this is what has been kept a secret from us in order to maintain control over us.

I am quite familiar with Natural Law, which is not a law that has been made by any human, but rather governs the natural and self-evident order of the physical universe we reside in, within which we are all rightly equal, free and sovereign as individuals. To my understanding, Common Law has been an attempt by certain luminaries throughout history to codify Natural Law formally and specifically into the way we govern ourselves and interact with each other, a way to maintain a just order in society without infringing on individual freedom.

In face of Pandemic measures, many more citizens have become interested in how to achieve justice for themselves and their fellow citizens, and consequently have become interested in understanding how the law works. The Common Law proceedings at Celebration Square in Mississauga actually served as an opportunity for citizens to learn about their power and their rights first-hand. And this was surely by design, as the moderators generously explained the purpose of each step along the way.

The Common Law Proceedings

Now as it turns out, Mayor Bonnie Crombie did not show up. This was not unexpected, and as promised in the summons, the proceedings went on without her.

After the hearing was called to order, parents who had complaints against Mayor Bonnie Crombie spoke a declaration of arrest out loud as a group, holding Bonnie Crombie responsible for the following crimes based on her support for and enforcement of mask mandates for children in school in Mississauga:

Administering a noxious substance to a minor, in contravention of Section 245(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada
Committing torture, in contravention of Section 269.1(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada
Committing bodily harm, in contravention of Section 221 of the Criminal Code of Canada
Reckless endangerment and child abandonment, in contravention of Section 218 of the Criminal Code of Canada
Criminal negligence, in contravention of Section 219 of the Criminal Code of Canada
Breach of trust by a public officer, in contravention of Section 122 of the Criminal Code of Canada

There is a binder of evidence online which was referred to as substantiation of the claims. Following additional testimony from parents who told the jury their personal stories, the jury of 12 peers convened. After deliberations, they found Mayor Bonnie Crombie guilty as charged, and in addition demanded an immediate injunction against all Pandemic measures that are impacting the health and freedom of the children of Mississauga.

Is This Purely Symbolic?

The question on many people’s minds is, will the convening of this court have any impact in the ‘real’ world? Does Common Law have any standing in our society, or are those in authority going to be able to continue what they are doing with impunity? I don’t have an answer for you right now, but after having participated in this event, I felt empowered, inspired, and unified with all the other participants. I felt a sense of ‘community’ that I had never felt before, insofar as a group of concerned citizens were gathering together with the hope and belief that they had the ability to make right something that was obviously wrong in our society.

There was clearly an ‘energetic’ component to this gathering that was very positive and refreshing. Everyone participated in a dignified, focused manner, unified in purpose, grounded in truth and love. So no matter what each person’s belief is around the significance of the ‘energetic’ realm in human affairs, most participants were left with the feeling that this is the way legal matters important to citizens should be conducted in our society, and that the way our current system works is the opposite of this. I believe that the more energy people begin to devote to the Common Law system, and the less they spend within the old system, the more that real-world change in our favor will naturally occur, making the proceedings in Celebration Square on March 20 far from a symbolic gesture, but rather a catalyst for a shift in consciousness that will return power to the people.