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Right to Compensation

Published On: May 1, 2021Tags: ,

Dear Leaders of our Federal, Provincial and Local Entities, City Councils and Media,

Before paying my final property tax bill, which will arrive in June, I would like to know how Greater Vancouver citizens will be compensated, tax-wise, for the great lessening of some services, and stopping the others, which have occurred since March 2020. I will be expecting some kind of rebate from the final tax bill regarding: schools, recreation, parks, libraries, services for the disabled, hospitals, courts, festivals – just to name a few. Thank you for your prompt response to this message.

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And for those of us who don’t own property, I am herewith, advising you that I am going to stop paying taxes. As due to this shut down, we have lost our businesses, we have lost income, our children our suffering mentally. And frankly, the income tax is going straight to the Bank of Canada, that’s keeping the royals and politicians’ bank accounts fat and perpetuating this scam!

A concerned citizen,
Dayna Furst
Greater Vancouver Common Law Assembly