Warning Signs That Canada Is Being Preconditioned For A Communist State Takeover
By Olga S
I would never have imagined that one day I would express my critical political views in Canada. Being a Russian immigrant myself, and being raised under a communist regime, I have a clear understanding of what communism ideology really means. I came to Canada for freedom and to provide my kids with opportunities and a better life. I am grateful and thankful to God that I became Canadian. I have traveled to many countries and have always said that Canada is the best Country in the whole world.
Unfortunately, I cannot say this now, because during this fraudulent pandemic we lost our freedom which is the most precious gift we received from God. What’s happening in Canada now reminds me of the Russian communist regime.
We did not have the freedom of speech, we were condemned and intimidated for attending a church service. In the beginning of the communist regime many pastors were disgraced and jailed. Dear Canadians, does that tell you anything? One hundred years later, our brave Canadian pastors who didn’t betray God were jailed and harassed by the government.
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After the communism era, there was a political and economic shift that happened in Russia called Perestroika which signifies “the Great Reset”. Our economy was completely destroyed during the great reset. Manufacturing companies and the agricultural industry collapsed, leaving the population without stable income and creating the “bread line”.
During this time, as with many other professionals, I lost my job as an engineer. Luckily, I turned my hobby of hairstyling into a business and opened a hair salon.
In the beginning, I was happy when I could run my private business, but this reality was shattered when the Russian mafia extorted money from many small businesses and a refusal meant the destruction of the business’ assets or even worse your life could be taken. The businesses were not protected by police or government because corrupt police covered for the criminals.
We see a similar situation today in Canada, only the Russian mafia are replaced by health inspectors who bully small businesses into permanent closure and the police protect all these corrupt health inspectors.
Millennials were not alive to witness the horrors of communism around the world up close, and therefore underestimate the government’s willingness to impose communist ideology on the people.
It now appears the Canadian government is creating the necessary conditions to gradually transform the country into a communist state. You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy. In Soviet Union most of our apartments belonged to the government.
I will tell you another two warning signs that Canada is being preconditioned for a communist state takeover.
Ministry of truth. Mainstream media and Big Tech social media corporations are working together to cancel opposing information from alternative media sources, the citizens have been brainwashed into believing a false reality. The same thing happened in Soviet Union, we believed that we lived in the freest and safest country in the world.
Keeping people in constant fear is the foundation of a Communist State. Propagandizing a population into a state of constant fear allows a government to establish specific measures and regulations which will convince them to endure all levels of disturbances, no matter how extreme, during the created crisis.
Communist ideology is on the rise in Canada. And we can stop it all together. Just do not comply to covid regulations.
I will tell you why I don’t comply.
Firstly, I am mother of three children and want my kids to live in a free country.
I honor the memory of my two grandfathers who fought against fascism in the second world war.
In order to pursue your purpose, we need to sacrifice something.
I don’t shop in the big box stores. I buy my food directly from farms, which need our support.
I do not, under any condition, wear a mask. This year I lost my ski membership in Chicopee because I refused to wear a mask. I told them I will wear a mask to protect my face from the cold. But Glen Eden honored my mask exemption. We need to boycott all businesses who require mandatory masks and we should support all businesses who honor mask exemption
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