With No Shot Fired: Medical Tyranny and the Rise of the Fourth Reich
By Guy Crittenden
Totalitarianism returned in 2020.
Many missed it, and miss it still. Some saw it right away, as fascism or communism. A few think it’s a Chinese takeover, since the “Wuhan virus” originated, we’re told, in Wuhan, China. Our world became the British TV series Black Mirror, especially the “Nosedive” episode with its dystopian domestic (social credit) passport system. (Predictive programming.)
But it was the globalists, actually. We now live in their police state.
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Police state is so… 1980s. It’s actually a technocracy – Patrick Wood’s term for AI running, oh, everything, balancing economic inputs and outputs, with machines doing all the work (eventually). People like Bill Gates like this idea, as does World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab.
Professor Shoshana Zuboff calls it surveillance capitalism.
Call it what you will, it’s what we’re moving into. When information became the new oil, consumers became the product. Our biodata is to Goldman Sachs what New World gold was to Cortez.
We’re being colonized, but it’s not nationon-nation conflict; instead, it’s class war. All that power once projected outward onto poor countries from the hyper-capitalist empires has turned inward. In a reign of terror.
The democracies of the industrialized world were taken over in less than 18 months, without a shot fired. No shiny jackboots or tanks – just corporate suits, bland pronouncements from unelected health officials, and masks.
Medical tyranny was key. It was always about the vaccines, and the health passports. But it’s more than that. We’re about to be altered. Certain elites hope to upload their consciousness into silicon bodies, and live forever. It sounds crazy because it is. The rest of us carbon-based life forms face a less certain future. Gates, Schwab and the Davos crowd think there’s too many of us. Ask Ted Turner. Or Henry Kissinger. Or George Soros.
The Georgia Guidestones were recently updated. Turns out it’s a living monument. It’s first line extols a permanent human population of just 500 million souls.
You do the math.
The Deagle military data website predicted plummeting populations, until too many people noticed. Belgian virologist Geert Vanden Bossche and British doctor Vernon Coleman have warned of a potential genocide, as has vaccine industry insider and former Pfizer vice president Dr. Michael Yeadon. They speak of prion disease, encephalitis, sterilization, pathogen priming, the eighth human chromosome and the placenta.
Right now, unvaccinated women working in the same offices as vaccinated people are experiencing devastating menstrual periods. Why?
Have I lost you? Is this too much?
Investment experts describe a fourth turning. A hundred-year interest rate cycle is ending and central banks have run out of options. Interest rates can’t go lower and endless money printing is bankrupting nations (by design). A debt jubilees is needed. A “great reset.” They know this.
Except it’s different this time. Sure, the stock market will crash, and a great depression will follow. But the oligarchs don’t need us anymore. They have AI and the robots. Digital serfs will code the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). They’ll be provided a universal basic income (UBI) while competing for Fiverr-style job contracts in the race-to-the-bottom “gig economy.”
After that, who knows? Don’t buy green bananas, serfs.
It’s said world control requires the takeover of just 20 per cent of countries. But they need to be the right ones. The globalists first targeted the Five Eyes nations (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the USA and the United Kingdom) because of their deep property rights traditions, and common law. These aren’t compatible with One World Government. The US is being broken up with civil war, bricks left on BLM routes, and gubernatorial corruption. Americans and Canadians will be herded into megacities built around places like San Francisco and New York. The recalcitrant will be taxed off their farmland. Run too far and the drones will find you. Or the robot dogs.
You will own nothing. And you’ll be happy.
Not a shot fired.
Stalin, Mao or Hitler wouldn’t have believed it.
At first I thought in Orwellian terms. You know: 1984… a boot stomping on a human face forever. And much of the world is becoming like Gaza. By mid-2020 I’d encountered Philadelphia researcher Alison McDowel’ blog Wrong Kind of Green and the video essays of her explicators, JP and Julie Collins, on their Book of Ours program. I shifted to Huxley’s Brave New World. Hadn’t Huxley hung around the Oxford Fabian socialists? The eugenicists? Wasn’t his book a warning? And here we are, with people practically begging for more digital baubles, and more totalitarian control.
I don’t know why the spell never worked on me. Was it the meditation? Jnana yoga? The Amazonian teacher plants? Maybe it was six years of full-time research into geopolitics. I don’t know, but when COVID hit, I was primed. I already knew big business and government were colluding, and destroying whole countries for profit: consider Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan or Syria. I was familiar with Canadian activist Cory Morningstar’s essay collection The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg and the hijacking of the environment movement.
I can’t get others to see it. Only a few. It’s like those pictures of computer-generated squiggly lines that are a flat nonsense, until you to squint your eyes and slowly move away from the glass, then suddenly a 3D Tyrannosaurus pops!
You either see it or you don’t. And it doesn’t help to be shamed or yelled at.
How do I make people see the dinosaur?
The plutocrats have mastered narrative. (That’s why they’re plutocrats.) They finished consolidating the media after Bill Clinton signed the Telecommunications Act in 1996. Big Pharma is the last significant advertiser. It kills people (and not just with its products). Remember the CIA ice pellet “heart attack” gun? Consider the late president of Tanzania. And scientist Kary Mullis. Gates and Fauci couldn’t have the inventor of the PCR test walking through the fourth wall of their psyops, reminding everyone his invention isn’t “fit for purpose,” could they? A “case-demic” was crucial to people surrendering their constitutional rights.
Absent Mullis, the authorities can announce variants that spread faster and are more deadly. Even name them after targeted countries. And who are they? Some hide behind secretive societies: Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the high-level Freemasons. A Jesuit Pope now promotes a gene-altering drug containing aborted fetal cells. I didn’t see that coming. Some are frontmen, like Gates and Fauci.
Remember the leaked Liberal Party memo? Third wave lockdowns in Q2? Check. Checkpoints at provincial borders? Check.
Checkpoints outside the nation’s capital? Check. The magnetic north of my literary compass shifted again recently, from Orwell and Huxley to Franz Kafka. The Castle is my country. I feel his paranoia talking to mask-promoting friends, which are few now. They stare at you like you’re crazy, and talk to you in that “please put down the knife” tone.
The propaganda – the mind control – gave them the keys with no shot fired. Well, maybe with a shot, if we consider syringes. A double shot, even.
The image consultants suggested Bill Gates sweaters thoughtfully. Avuncular Mr. Rogers, I mean Gates, now controls the world’s seed supply, including that stash of heritage seeds in the Arctic. He’s the largest private owner of farmland in America. What does he intend? David DuByne (Adapt 2030) and Christian Westbrook (Ice Age Farmer) warn of family farms being taken out of production. The future is all GMOs. With supply chains broken, a global famine is predicted. People are fleeing the cities. To grow their own food. To homestead. To escape the lockdowns.
They’re running from Gates’ vaccines. And the health passport system, which could soon be a microchip embedded in the hand. The Mark of the Beast. They’re trying to escape Gate’s lab-grown meat, his insect protein, and his plans to dim the sun.
Can we outrun Microsoft’s notsubtly-named patent 060606? The technology mines people like crypto, monitoring their biometric data as they perform assigned actions (watching a movie, or playing a video game) and sends it to the cloud. Like his sociopathic mentor J.D. Rockefeller, Gates cornered a market (software, not oil) and is next cornering the healthcare market, selling injectable upgrades to prevent the very virus his associates introduced.
If you liked Windows 95, you’re going to love Human 2.0.
The irony.
Gates team sterilized young girls in Africa. Gates paralyzed 500,000 girls in India, and his foundation was kicked out of the country. But he has money – enough to get that information scrubbed from the internet, as the producer of Plandemic 2 discovered.
This is the man you’re entrusting with your children’s health. The son of a leading American eugenicist.
George Carlin quipped the Allies defeated Nazism in World War II, but never fascism. “That was never the plan.” The eugenicists didn’t go away, either. Instead, they waited until the technology caught up with their designs, when they could re-emerge like cicadas.
It was audacious of the globalists to choose Klaus Schwab as their frontman. He’d make a great James Bond villain, and is only missing the white cat. (Gates has Melinda.) His family operated industrial plants at Ravensburg, Germany during World War Two, then shifted their many industrial concerns to Switzerland, from where the family exported nuclear technology to then-Apartheid South Africa in violation of international law.
It’s quite ballsy that Klaus’s WEF recently launched a PR operation built around “trust.” Sure, Klaus. The past year has made us all feel like trusting you…
Nothing is as it seems.
The poor? Catherine Austin Fitts discovered the BLM riots targeted “opportunity zones” in Democrat-controlled cities from which billionaires extract greater tax benefits the more devastated the poor neighbourhood is in the first place.
The middle class? Jeff Berwick (The Dollar Vigilante) wrote a book about what’s being done to them: The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire. (You should read it.)
Wall Street investors are targeting children from poor neighbourhoods with “pay for success” schemes. Spy cameras surveil them in outdoor play sets and indoor play tables. Our children will spend their lives on the blockchain, measured and monitored, their predetermined achievements earning a profit. For someone.
Trump is gone. Russiagate was discredited, as was QAnon – conspiracy theories the globalists and three-letter intelligence agencies concocted to dead-end both the left and right for four years. Yet his legend lives on: You can thank Operation Warp Speed for the many empty parking spaces about to appear. Travel as we knew it is ending. Maybe even stepping outside your home.
Naomi Wolf has warned we’re at stage nine in her 10-steps-to-fascism index. Yet we’re just getting started. I haven’t even mentioned the Cyber Polygon exercise (slated for July) that, as Event 201 did for COVID, anticipates an attack on the electrical grid and internet. Or the SPARS Pandemic 2024-2028 document that coaches policymakers in propaganda techniques. Or alien “disclosure” and a possible staged invasion.
We’ll find out soon enough.
Thus far, I’d score it 10-0 for the globalists. With no shot fired.
Guy Crittenden is a freelance writer and author of the award-winning book The Year of Drinking Magic: Twelve Ceremonies with the Vine of Souls (Apocryphile Press, San Francisco). Follow Guy at HipGnosis.co
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