Why Did We Serve Our Country?
Dear MP’s,
My husband was 18 months old when his dad, a Rear Air Gunner in the RCAF during WWII, was killed. His mom died of a broken heart when he was 5 years old. His mom’s dad served in the British Army and the RAF during WW1.
From 1962-1965, I served in the WRCN ( Women’s Royal Canadian Navy) in Naval Operations. It was during the time of the Cuban Crisis. A very tense time for the entire world.
We each served in our country’s armed forces because of our love of country and to help preserve our freedoms. Freedoms such as — Freedom to Choose, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech. These freedoms have been taken away due to all the COVID-19 fearmongering and reported untruths from the press, social media, many doctors and scientists, and many politicians.
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Those of us who tune into podcasts like — BardsFM, X22, Dr.Tenpenny & The Highwire are able to hear well documented truths about the origin of COVID19, the masks and the ‘shot’. I encourage each of you to listen to these podcasts.
Because I and other fellow Canadians refuse to have a poisonous — perhaps a magnetized — bioweapon injected into our body, we are now being discriminated against by our own governments. Government is now looking into a ‘Vaccine Passport’ for those who chose to have the ‘shot”. We no longer live in a free country. Why has my Freedom to Choose been taken away from me?
Why does the government have to entice people into getting the ‘shot’ by offering bribes? Offering ice cream treats to young people to take the ‘shot’ without obtaining parental consent.
This type of bribery has never been done. It only tells me that this is all part and parcel of the Great Reset that some if not all of Canada’s politicians support…Federal, Provincial and local.
Why will Premier Doug Ford’s scientists not meet with Dr. Byran Bridle and his colleagues to discuss COVID-19 issues?
The next time you sing or hear the words to O Canada, I hope you will take the time to ponder on the words strong and free. Canada and Canadians is/are no longer strong and free. Our freedoms have been suppressed by our Provincial and Federal governments.
At 79 years of age, I never imagined that I would become a prisoner in the country I served and loved so much, in the city where I live and in my home.
My faith keeps me strong. Faith and Fear cannot coexist together. As Jesus Christ said many times, “Fear not, I am with thee”.
Mrs. N. Spencer
(This letter with recent additions was sent to all Ontario MPPs and Canadian MPs – June 16 & 17 2021)
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