News From Around The World – September 2021
By: Paul Bennett
Rock Legend Says No to Discrimination
British music legend Eric Clapton will not perform at venues that require music goers to provide evidence of a covid vaccination. The guitarist has been brave and outspoken with his views on covid and vaccines.
In a statement posted on Italian architect and film producer Robin Monotti Graziadei’s Telegram account, Clapton said, “Following the PM’s announcement on Monday the of July 19, 2021, I feel honour bound to make an announcement of my own: I wish to say that I will not perform on any stage where there is a discriminated audience present. Unless there is provision made for all people to attend, I reserve the right to cancel the show”.
The statement was in response to an announcement by UK Prime Minister Boris Johnston that social settings like nightclubs and concert venues must now require guests over 18 to show proof of vaccination for entry.
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The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame member has recently described his experiences since taking the Astra Zeneca vaccine. Clapton reported experiencing adverse reactions and was deeply worried if he would ever play guitar again. In an interview and shared letter that was shown on Robin Monotti’s Telegram channel, he described the reactions to the jab as “disastrous” and blamed “propaganda” for overstating its safety.
In the letter issued by Clapton, rightfully asked the question, “Where have all the rebels gone? Hiding behind their computer screens. Where’s the spirit, where is the soul”. He went on to say, “I’ve been a rebel all my life, against tyranny and arrogant authority, which is what we have now. But I also crave fellowship, compassion and love…I believe with these things we can prevail.”
In December 2020, Clapton teamed up with Irish music hero Van Morrisson to produce a pro-freedom song called “Stand and Deliver”. The lyrics of this song included, “Do you wanna be a free man/Or do you wanna be a slave”.
Australia Shuts Down Capital City After One Covid Case Is Detected
In early August, Australian authorities ordered a strict lockdown in Canberra after a single case of covid was detected in a man in his 20s.The snap lockdown was implemented in the capital city and surrounding areas in a region that is home to 400000 people.
The capital city region was ordered into a seven-day lockdown with strict measures in place after the one covid case was reported. Measures include stay-at-home orders; retail stores been closed and restaurants offering takeout services only. Residents in the region were told that they can only exercise outdoors for no longer than one hour and that they must work from home if possible, during the lockdown.
Australia has had one of the world’s longest and strictest lockdowns and has been ruled with a tyrannical iron fist. At a recent press conference, the chief health officer for New South Wales Kerry Chant bizarrely advised people not to talk to each other even if they’re wearing masks in order to reduce the spread of covid. She added that “Whilst it’s human nature to engage in conversation with others, to be friendly, unfortunately this is not the time to do that”.
Martial law is also now alive and well ‘Down Under’ as the Australian government recently requested more military personnel to “police” state health orders.
Only Fully Vaccinated Can Dine Indoors In Ireland
The Irish pub experience is world renowned for its hospitality, humour and atmosphere. Having ‘a bit of craic’ (fun) is an integral part of an Irish pub. Unfortunately, medical apartheid has now hit the Emerald Isle and the hospitality sector.
Since July 26th in the Republic of Ireland, anyone who is fully vaccinated or can provide evidence that they have recovered from covid in the past 6 months can now dine or eat indoors. The discriminatory ‘health’ measure was recently passed and legislated by the Irish Parliament. A large peaceful protest was held outside the Convention Centre in central Dublin when the voting was held.
Upon entering a restaurant or pub, customers must now show hospitality staff their EU Digital Covid Certificate. The QR code contained on the cert is scanned in order to grant patrons entry. On top of this, evidence of identification must also be shown.
Notwithstanding the shame of showing personal documents to enter premises, customers are only permitted a maximum of six people at a table, required to wear face coverings and urged to continue physical distancing of 1 metre. Live music and entertainment are not permitted at indoor venues.
As expected, some customers, pubs and restaurants have boycotted the new rules in solidarity with people who wish to remain non-vaccinated. By law, anyone who has not received the experimental jab is required to dine outdoors if an establishment have an appropriate outdoor facility.
German Reporter Sacked After Smearing Herself With Mud During Report
A German TV reporter called Susanna Olsen was recently caught red-handed during a report on deadly floods that heavily hit Germany. Secret video footage emerged of the reporter brazenly smearing mud on her clothes and face to demonstrate that she was helping in the clean up after the floods.
During the report for RTL, Olsen who was holding a spade told viewers that she was helping with the clean-up and encouraged others to join the clean-up operations. The shameful report was later published on the broadcaster’s website titled “Cleaning up after the flood:RTL presenter lends a hand in Bad Munstereifel”.
Since the cringing and deceitful footage emerged, Olsen has been fired from her duties as a journalist. A spokesperson for RTL issued a statement by stating “Our reporter’s approach clearly contradicts journalistic principles and our own standards”.
In an apology posted on Instagram that ‘muddied the waters’ even more, Olsen shamefully tried to justify her actions.
She said the rationale for smearing mud on her face and clothes was shame she felt reporting from the area in clean clothes.
Another embarrassing spectacle for the dishonest mainstream media.
Mexican President Calls Out Influence Of Big Pharma
In a world where big pharmaceutical companies hold significant political power and control, the Mexican President in a live TV address has spoken out against Big Pharma.
Mexican President Andres Manual Lopez Obrador has said that his government will not allow Big Pharma to dictate to Mexico after he refused to purchase covid vaccines for children. He vowed that Mexico will not bow to heavy pressure from powerful pharmaceutical companies when it comes to vaccinating minors.
President Obrador stated that “We need to be careful, because, as its obvious pharmaceutical companies wish to make a profit. And would like to keep always selling vaccines for everyone. But we need to prioritize; we need to know if they’re needed or not”.
Mexican Health Secretary Hugo Lopez-Gatell Ramirez also added that “There is a powerful public opinion campaign induced by Big Pharma. If one explores the national and international press, and traces recommendations like these one can perceive an important lack of scientific information to support these kinds of recommendations. And by contrast there are statements by Big Pharma executives that already take it for granted”.
Many have commended President Obrador “cojones” in challenging Big Pharma unlike most world leaders across the world who have sheepishly succumb to drug firms.
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