

Saying No Without Saying No

Published On: September 1, 2021Tags: ,

By Druthers Staff Writer

In the last few weeks Druthers has received an incredible amount of messages from people in a panic, saying their work (or school) is telling them vaccines will soon be mandatory for all staff. At Druthers we are firm believers in freedom of choice and we hope this front page of Druthers proves helpful to anyone who chooses not to inject themselves with a substance that is created and pushed by institutions who, time and time again, have proven themselves to be untrustworthy.

While nothing on this page is intended to act as medical or legal advice, it is intended to give people some things to think about in their quest to say NO to these manipulative, coercive, wrong, illegal, immoral & downright evil tactics to push these vaccines on the people.

Some say the trick is to not decline, not to say no. Rather, it may be beneficial to negotiate and insist you be provided with some details and assurances before you agree. The following details and assurances cannot be given to you so this may result in a stalemate and you get left alone.

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Again, this is not legal or medical advice. This is just another possible way for you to stand your ground and maintain your freedom of choice.

Note: Do not quit your job. If anything, let them force your hand by firing you. Do not resign or sign any agreements to quit. You may be eligible for compensation if they do fire you, but you will receive nothing if you quit.

Stay strong. Stay free.

Template letter for your employer

Dear _______________,

I write with regard to the matter of potential Covid vaccine and my desire to be fully informed and appraised of ALL facts before going ahead. I wish to inform you that I was vaccinated in my childhood several times and I believe that vaccines that have been properly tested and approved for injection into humans have been beneficial in the past.

Please respect that I have the responsibility to protect the health and well being of myself and my family. I am sure you feel the same way about your family.

Consequently, I need answers to the following questions. I’d be most grateful if you could please provide the following information, in accordance with statutory legal requirements:

  1. Please advise the approved legal status of any vaccine, and if it is experimental.
  2. Please provide details and assurances that the vaccine has been fully, independently and rigorously tested against control groups and the subsequent outcomes of those tests.
  3. Please advise the ENTIRE list of contents of the vaccine I am to receive and if any are toxic to the body.
  4. Please fully advise all the adverse reactions associated with this vaccine since its introduction.
  5. Please confirm that the vaccine you are advocating is NOT an experimental mRNA gene altering therapy.
  6. Please confirm that I will not be under any duress from yourselves as my employers, in compliance with the Nuremberg Code. [1]
  7. Please advise me of the likely risk of fatality, should I be unfortunate to contract Covid 19, and the likelihood of recovery.

Once I have received the above information in full and I am satisfied that there is NO threat to my health, I will be happy to accept your offer to receive the treatment, but with certain conditions – namely that:

  1. You confirm in writing that I will suffer no harm.
  2. Following acceptance of this, the offer must be signed by a fully qualified doctor who will take full legal and financial responsibility for any injuries occurring to me, and/or from any interactions by authorized personnel regarding these procedures.
  3. Please describe how side effects and injuries will be classified, documented and compensated as a result of these procedures.
  4. In the event that I should have to decline the offer of vaccination, please confirm that it will not compromise my position of employment, and that I will not suffer prejudice and discrimination as a result. I would also advise that my inalienable rights are reserved.

Sincerely, _______________
Signature: _______________

Name (print): _______________

Dated: _______________

Address: _______________

Phone: _______________

[1] Nuremberg Code Link: