The Great Reset is a Social Carbon Credit Economy
By: Bantam Joe |
The driving force behind the pandemic and “The Great Reset” is actually the rollout of a CARBON CREDIT ECONOMY, repackaged as “Build Back Better”.
While the media has everyone arguing and worried about the virus, behind the scenes, the members of the WEF and UN have been working hard, behind the scenes, installing their plan for a brand new global economic system. Everyone took their eyes off the ball, and under the cover of Covid, the climate-change architects and profiteers decided to go full steam ahead with their plans for an upgraded, very high-tech, cap-and-trade system. A system that places a cost for every breath you take, every action you perform, every item you purchase, every plan you make. For the rest of your family’s life!
In this system, what you buy, consume, perform, etc., will be decided by your carbon footprint. You’ll be given a maximum allowance of carbon credits on your carbon credit crypto wallet. Each time you perform any action that has a carbon trace, carbon credits will be deducted from your carbon crypto account on the blockchain. What you can buy and do is decided by crypto/blockchain smart contracts, also known as programmble money.
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So what does this mean to you?
What do the globalist ruling class have in mind for you?
Under their plan, a UBI (universal basic income) type social and carbon credit blockchain based system, if you reach your maximum carbon allowance, your account is shut off and you can no longer purchase or do anything. Of course, not unless you’re rich and you “purchase” tokenized carbon credits, either out of your wallet, or in planting some trees. If you’re fortunate to plant a tree (which almost no one can do), you will then have to register that tree on a blockchain as an NFT (non-fungible token). Both satellites and drones will attest and authenticate its existence (using GPS and machine learning vision), in order to make sure there is no double-spending (blockchain transaction) on any of those individual trees. All done with AI and blockchain.
Now, if you can’t plant a tree, have no fear! Billionaires around the world such as Bill Gates, Rockefeller, etc., have you covered and have done all the hard work for you. They have either purchased millions of acres of land or placed them in trusts (conservations) so that you can buy their carbon credits, generated by natural breathing trees. And who says money does not grow from trees!
We are talking about global rationing based on your carbon footprint! … forever!
In order for this to work, you will be required to register (passport ID) on the blockchain, and you will then be tracked and traced. You will need to lose your present income, your small brick-and-mortar businesses, be kept in lockdown, forced to connect to the digital supply and commerce chains. Your money will be programmable money (smart contracts). With this new CBDC (central bank digital currency) and other crypto coins with added smart contract layers (ie; Bitcoin’s Taproot and Ethereum). The food supply chain will have to collapse and be replaced with one that is more “green”. The products and materials you have been accustomed to will have to be removed and replaced by carbonfriendly products. You’ll be required to “share” more, using blockchain based NFT’s (if you have carbon credits). You’ll be forced by governments, businesses and other issuers into buy only what they deem is good for you and the earth. Even down to your children’s pocket money. All monitored and rationed programmitaclly using blockchain, AI and surveillance.
Are you getting the picture yet?
Your benefits payments, insurance, private property purchases, pensions, etc. will all be based on compliance with these new measures. All businesses will be forced to upgrade their ESG score (Environment, Sustainability, Governance) or face the threat of not receiving loans nor future investments. All in accordance with the UN’s SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).
Your activities must all be monitored so as to measure and quantify your carbon footprint. You’ll need to become a token on a carbon transaction network, up for trade on a carbon exchange. If you do not comply, you are ostracized and left on your own, disconnected from this new draconian “green” society. This is the plans of the globalist ruling class.
The global carbon exchanges are in place and making billions. The 197 nations have all agreed to it. The infrastructure is all in place. The technology (4th Industrial Revolution) is advanced enough to take place. The billionaires have made their massive land purchases in order to become offset providers. The blockchains are all ready to implement tokenization of carbon units. The satellites are in space are ready to do attestation and authentication, using NFT tech and blockchain. The drones are ready to validate all life activities on earth. The 5G and 6G networks are all in place for high speed real-time data throughput.
With the UK hosting as president of the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow on October 31– November 12 2021, with an expected 30,000 attendees, you can count on the creation of the social carbon credit system to accelerate at warp speed!