

Where We Are Now

Published On: November 1, 2021Tags: ,

By Guy Crittenden

I recall years ago watching a TV program about the controlled media in Russia. A western émigré hosted a popular national current affairs program, where he interviewed newsmakers at a round table. The documentary revealed everything was scripted; the questions were lob balls and nothing challenged official narratives or the policies of leader Vladimir Putin.

I was thankful to live in a society with a free press. Or so I thought.

In the intervening years I learned the mainstream media (in which just five corporations own and control upwards of 90 per cent of all newspapers, magazines, TV and radio stations) is fully controlled. We were lured into online alternatives, but now the tech giants are censoring those, too. Ergo, the Overton window of what’s admitted into public discourse is tightly restricted. This has been extended to vaccines, around which a cult has formed (as CJ Hopkins reminds us in articles like “The Road to Tyranny”). This cult has become the majority. And how do you capture and deprogram millions of people? Of course you cannot. (At least, not quickly.)

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The corporate capture of regulatory agencies was crucial to the planned restructuring of the world economy by globalists. Their transhumanist agenda requires consent from the health agencies and scientific bodies of the nearly 200 country members of the Rockefeller One World Government club, also known as the United Nations. While blockchain technology and crypto could decentralize systems, the rulers of the current pyramid need centralization for their Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of Bodies (IoB), which are a totalitarian’s wet dream. Implanting us with nanotech and subsuming us in an augmented reality (sometimes called the Metaverse) requires that we surrender our rights and freedoms. Pesky things like national constitutions and the right to bodily autonomy (never mind the Nuremberg Code) stand in the way of the technocratic vision. Control of the media was therefore crucial, so the public would remain unaware of the future into which they’re blindly walking. And defenders of those rights and freedoms needed reclassification as “selfish” (as well as racist, Trump-supporting, conspiracy theorists, and other epithets).

A ginned-up pandemic was the perfect tool to terrify people into a state of cognitive dissonance wherein they agreed their alienable rights and freedoms are simply gifts from the government, that can rightfully be taken back. The propaganda — the mass hypnosis — worked. And now we have a divided society in almost every country.

To take over the world, you needn’t crush every nation, but rather co-opt about 20 percent of countries; but they must be the “right” ones: the countries with strong property rights and common law traditions. The countries with subpopulations that would normally fight back.

As we approach the two-year mark of the COVID-19 operation, it’s time to take stock of where we are now.

Australia has fallen. (I defy anyone to review videos of Kevlar-clad police assaulting citizens in parks and conclude otherwise.) New Zealand is now a police state. As is Canada. And Ireland, Scotland and Wales. (England is wavering.) The lights have gone out in most of Europe, with pockets of resistance in France, Italy and certain cities like London. The Scandinavian countries have lifted lockdown restrictions, but it’s largely because their populations are compliant with such things as injections and microchips. Pyrrhic victories.

The United States is a special case, because of its Second Amendment. Americans have guns, so the globalist strategy there is to foment a civil war. They funded Astroturf groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa to burn down American cities. Just as supply chains have been deliberately broken for such things as fuel (in winter) and food, the hedge fund managers will short the market and crash both stocks and the global economy. A great depression looms after the four quadrillion derivatives bubble bursts. The former home-owning middle class will be herded into “Smart cities” as renters, and will be placed on a universal basic income (UBI), then put to work in virtual reality jobs in a tokenized, gamified economy: think Second Life meets Oculus Rift.

The incremental drift into medical tyranny (soon to simply be “tyranny”) worked because people didn’t see what was just around the next corner. Masks and arrows on supermarket floors were conditioning for a new doas-you’re-told social paradigm. The brilliance of the New World Order slave muzzles was that citizens’ virtue signaled with them (“I wear my mask to protect you!”), then started policing their fellows. Shaming or even assaulting people with mask exemptions was overtly encouraged by government at all levels. Like (what we’ll just call) 1930s armbands, people wore masks outdoors and in cars, not because they were necessarily passionate about it, but because they didn’t want to stand out.

The order followers have become increasingly aggressive toward freedom movement protesters, whom the media dismissively calls “anti-maskers,” because they’re deemed to be selfish incubators of increasingly deadly strains of the presumed virus. This medical pantomime is becoming dangerous, especially as mental fog and anger take hold among the injected, whose immune systems are crashing at a reported average rate of five per cent per month. (In 20 months, some doctors say, they will have the equivalent of AIDS.) The oligarchic schemes are worthy of Dr Mengele. Folks aren’t considered vaccinated until two weeks after the jab, so the many millions of injured (or worse) who fall down during that period are counted as “unvaccinated” — ergo we have a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” whose “COVID-like symptoms” and effect on others are reportedly the result of refusenik irresponsibility, and not the heroism of those who rolled up their sleeve for “the greater good.”

Now pharmaceutical companies are quietly warning doctors and the media to be on the lookout for a (formerly rare) illness that presents as Polio, and mostly affects children, whom it maims and kills at an exceptionally high rate. This illness is supposed to appear over the fall and winter, and affect children five years of age and up. This will occur at the very same time governments approve injections like the Pfizer drug for children five years and up. The side effects (or planned effects) of the injections will look highly similar to this deadly Polio-like disease. But of course that must all be a coincidence.

No one would be that evil, right?

At the same time as children become crippled or die (and the injected turn on their unvaccinated neighbors), the economy will crash. Hard. The stock market is being propped up with limitless money printing, which company CEOs are using to buy back their own shares. Ergo, the market and the whole economy is fake, and populated by zombie corporations. When the house of cards collapses, many in the credentialed liberal bourgeoisie will lose their pensions and savings. Ask any activist: the petit bourgeoisie always betrays the working class during Marxist or fascist takeovers, as they cling to their privileges, and are then in turn thrown on the truck with everyone else. You can set your watch to it.

This professional class (e.g., doctors, nurses, lawyers, teachers, police, bureaucrats, etc.) is looking the other way as the NWO puppets (like Canada’s Prime Minister and his handler Chrystia Freeland, both graduates of the World Economic Forum leadership program) build concentration camps in remote areas, and as the geofencing takes effect. Geofencing is the term for banning travel, first for refuseniks and later for everyone. At first it will be for travel outside one’s country. Then it will be for travel outside a five-kilometre radius of one’s home. (Ask any Australian or Irishman.) When the full Chinese-style social credit score system takes effect, with facial recognition cameras and other surveillance systems, citizens of Canada and other countries will need the right QR code to enter a non-essential business (e.g., sports stadium, restaurant or theatre) and then (because this is done incrementally) essential businesses like banks and supermarkets. In China, some can’t even leave their apartment block without the right QR code. Crimes include jaywalking or lack of sufficient party loyalty. And President Biden, in asking Google for people’s search terms, is shifting toward policing pre-crime thought.

In October, Activist Max Igan fled Australia for Mexico, after the government fiddled with his bank accounts and the police asked him to report to the station for a friendly chat. The Canadian media isn’t reporting the similar midnight door knocks and travel bans levelled against activists whose only crime is attending peaceful demonstrations. Unlike Parisians or Londoners, residents of Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto and Montreal have not shown up in sufficient numbers to turn the tide. Now we can’t board a plane or train or cruise ship without being double jabbed. (Some have noticed their vaccine cards have space for eight boosters…)

I believe humanity has a very limited window to Jujitsu all this — to use the energy of the opponent to flip them — and it is this: The public must be led to understand the wave of deaths this winter are from the injections, not any virus. And they must understand the provable fraud of the PCR tests. In time they’ll come to see that the program to alter, sterilize, and ultimately reduce the human population is deliberate. I believe (unlike the deaths of the elderly in care homes) that when people see their own children die or become ill after being vaccinated, they’ll realize what’s actually going on. If they fail to do that — if they think it’s from some “variant” — we’ll be in deep trouble, and the predictions etched on the Georgia Guidestones may well come to pass: a permanent “sustainable” world population of 500 million people. (And these will be GMO humans or cyborgs, not homo sapiens…)

COVID lockdowns (a prison term) will morph into climate lockdowns. When the hard lockdown is imposed this winter in the aforementioned countries, people will discover why Bill Gates and other billionaires bought up all that farmland. It’s not to grow food; instead, it’s to plant a tree in your name and sell you greenhouse gas credits, so you can travel outside your restricted zone.

And we thought mandatory vaccinations were profitable! The right to travel, and eventually the right to breath, will generate huge windfall profits for our overlords. And even the right to breath will be a privilege not afforded to all.

Guy Crittenden is a freelance writer and author of the award-winning book The Year of Drinking Magic: Twelve Ceremonies with the Vine of Souls (Apocryphile Press, San Francisco). Follow Guy at HipGnosis.co