

You Are Not Alone

Published On: November 1, 2021Tags: ,

By Ted Kuntz

In our efforts to get through this tyranny as unscathed as possible, many have chosen to lay low, keep our head down, and try not to bring attention to ourselves and our family.

The hope was that this tyranny would pass and we could all get back to normal. We now know that a return to normal is not possible. Too much corruption, deception, dishonesty, and abuse of power has been revealed to allow us to go back to what enabled such corruption.

It’s time to stand up and change what is broken. What keeps people from standing up is people are afraid. They assume they are alone. They feel vulnerable as isolated individuals.

The fact is — you are not alone.

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There are more that think like us and value what we value than we know. We won’t find our tribe if we remain invisible. It’s time to be visible with our values.

It’s time to give freedom a face. There is no good reason to remain silent. Silence will only allow the tyranny to continue.

Let’s face it, many will lose their jobs or be terminated in the coming weeks unless we stand up en mass and engage in united non-compliance.

Silence only enables the tyranny to continue. It’s time to rise up. It’s time to shift our consciousness from victim to leader.

Collectively we can overcome this tyranny. The time to stand up is now.

Our rights and freedoms are under attack. This is war. War involves sacrifice. Nothing can be gained without sacrifice. We are fighting for more than our job. We are fighting for something bigger than us. We are fighting to ensure our children and grandchildren are free.

There are worse things than losing one’s job. There are worse things than dying. Living in slavery is worse. We can’t do that to our children and grandchildren. We can’t thrive in a workplace that doesn’t value our rights and freedoms.

The time for action is now. No one else is going to save us. It’s time to find our tribe. Meet face to face. Plan. Organize. Support. Act. Learn who has our back.

Become the warrior our family needs. We need you now.

Ted Kuntz |