Why Bonnie Henry Is Good For Us

why bonnie henry is good for us

Why Bonnie Henry Is Good For Us

Published On: January 1, 2022Tags: , ,

By Ted Kuntz of VaccineChoiceCanada.com

I think it is time to give credit where credit is due. I suggest we ought to express our gratitude to Dr. Bonnie Henry. Dr. Henry, more than any individual in recent history, has been instrumental in the recent transformation of humanity in British Columbia.

Let’s face it. Humans have forgotten what is important to them and theirs. We have lived with such comforts and ease during the last five or six decades that we’ve grown soft and complacent. We’ve taken for granted the benefits and joys of civilization. We’ve assumed that the rights and freedoms we’ve enjoyed will always be there.

We always thought that we would enjoy each other’s smiles, a warm embrace, a firm handshake, a coffee with a friend, the ability to worship in community, our livelihoods, our freedom to share our perspective, and access to our community including medical care. Dr. Henry has delivered a sharp message that nothing is free; that the joys and pleasures of life, of family and community need to be protected and preserved through our efforts.

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Bonnie Henry is giving us a wake-up call. She is reminding us all that our rights and freedoms can no longer be assumed. That we have a responsibility to protect and uphold the liberties we’ve enjoyed.

Bonnie, and her collaborators, have also served us by revealing the level of greed and corruption that pervades all levels of society today. Institutions that we assumed were serving the people have been exposed. Governments, media, public health, regulatory agencies, cell and internet service providers, even our courts and law enforcement have been captured and controlled to serve another master.

Under our watch, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms has become a meaningless piece of paper rather than the supreme law of the land. And the belief in personal autonomy and individual sovereignty as expressed in the rallying cry ‘My Body, My Choice’ has been all but extinguished.

It is time to recognize the bully-victim dynamic playing out on the world stage.

What has become abundantly clear in the last two years is that the measures imposed in response to COVID-19 have nothing to do with our health. These are not health measures. By any definition of success, these measures have failed miserably. The fact that governments persist in imposing measures that do not improve our health is all the evidence one needs to recognize that another agenda is at play. These measures are about control.

In his essay, A Path Will Rise Up to Meet Us, Charles Eisenstein describes the bullying dynamic succinctly – “The relationship between our governing authorities and the public today bears many similarities to the abuser-victim dynamic. Facing a bully, it is futile to hope that the bully will relent if you don’t resist. Acquiescence invites further humiliation. Similarly, it is wishful thinking to hope that the authorities will simply hand back the powers they have seized over the course of the pandemic. By its nature, freedom is not something one can beg for; the posture of begging already grants the power relations of subjugation. The victim can beg the bully to relent, and maybe he will— temporarily—satisfied that the relation of dominance has been affirmed. The victim is still not free of the bully.”

Today, we are being challenged to stand up and face our tormentors. According to former university ethics professor, Dr. Julie Ponesse, what we are facing is a pandemic of institutionalized bullying and compliance to the bullying.

While I have no doubt that control of the masses by the global elite is one of the agendas at play, I believe there is another agenda being served. It is my perception that humanity, throughout our history, have acted like children. We’ve lived by the direction of others and looked to others for our protection and safety. However, like the normal development of our own children, at some point we must rise up and claim our authority and responsibility over our lives. Others cannot give this authority and responsibility to us. We have to claim it.

I believe that this is what is happening on a grand scale today. Individuals such as Dr. Henry and others are what I call ‘teaching tyrants’. These tyrants push us until we stand up and claim our authority. What is surprising is how far humanity has allowed themselves to be pushed. That we needed to be masked, locked in our homes, denied our livelihoods, and force injected before we found our strength to resist is an indication of the degree to which we’ve failed to be sovereign.

Most of humanity appears to be more comfortable as a subject than as a citizen. In hindsight, this is not surprising. Humanity has been ruled by monarchs, dictators, tyrants, and self-serving leaders for eons. Individual responsibility and liberty has been given little consideration. Though we’ve articulated a bill of rights, we’ve put precious little time or effort into identifying and claiming our responsibilities to protect these rights.

Today’s tyranny has pushed humanity to the edge of a cliff. More and more are finally recognizing that if we do not stand up and claim our sovereignty and refuse to comply with what is effectively self-imposed tyranny, that we will become little more than slaves to serve the wishes of the global elite.

The bottom line is that Bonnie Henry only has as much power as we give her. It’s time we stepped into our authority and stopped giving away our power. It’s time we stated clearly – I will not comply.

I welcome this challenge as it appears it is the only way humanity will mature and claim its rightful authority and responsibility.