Pfizer Point 5 0


Pfizer Vaccine: More Harm Than Good

Published On: January 1, 2022Tags: , ,

By Tea Lynn Moore

A group of over 500 independent Canadian doctors, scientists, and health care practitioners known as the Canadian Covid Care Alliance (CCCA), recently released a groundbreaking analysis of Pfizer’s recently published 6-month core clinical trial data set with enormous implications.

CCCA assembled a presentation that comprehensively demonstrates how Pfizer’s purported randomized placebo-controlled, double-blinded study veered away from methodologies that would have answered the safety and efficacy questions definitively. Following are 7 of the most compelling slides from its 51-slide report.

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1. The researchers found that data hidden in the report shows that vaccinated persons are more likely to suffer physical harm and death when compared to unvaccinated persons. All-cause mortality and morbidity, the only sensible outcomes to use in determining efficacy and risk, were not even considered. Indeed, both all-cause morbidity and mortality was higher in the vaccinated group after six months (the month the data ends at). Additionally, severe adverse events outnumbered cases of severe COVID presented after six months of observation.

2. The alleged efficacy of 91% reported by Pfizer is misleading. The calculation of 91% represents the relative risk reduction when efficacy is near its highest. When the more revealing absolute risk reduction is considered, we find that the actual efficacy is only 0.84%. It is the absolute risk reduction that determines the risk-benefit-ratio required to make informed decisions around inoculation.

3. Pfizer also used the lowest level of scientific evidence: expert opinion and speculation, for its Covid-19 “vaccine” trials to bury startling data.

4. Pfizer did not follow established vaccine protocols. Most notably,

  1. Early unblinding: Several months ago, Pfizer opted to offer its product to those participants who received the placebo. By eliminating nearly all participants in the placebo wing, Pfizer effectively closed the curtain on its experiment because longterm comparisons can no longer be made.
  2. Trial participants were not reflective of the most vulnerable members of our population — more than 50% of people dying from COVID are 75 years of age or older. This age group made up only 4.4% of trial participants. Also, 95% of those who have died from COVID had one or more co-morbidities. Nearly 80% of trial participants had none.
  3. Not every trial participant was tested for COVID. Asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic (presenting few symptoms) cases were missed. 3,410 participants were suspected from their clinical presentation of having COVID, but they were excluded from efficacy calculations because a diagnosis could not be confirmed through PCR testing. In the end, there were 3,410 suspected COVID cases, and only 170 confirmed.
  4. Suspiciously, more than five times more vaccine recipients were removed from the study for “protocol deviations” than placebo recipients (at a time where the study was supposedly “blinded.”)

This is not the first time Pfizer’s protocols have come into question. In November, the British Medical Journal (BMJ) published an article regarding a researcher who was employed by a company that oversaw three clinical trial sites of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. The whistleblower made shocking revelations about poor practices at the facilities that call the integrity of Pfizer’s data into question and also raised concerns about lax regulatory oversight. In the article, the regional director revealed that the subcontractor for Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine phase 3 clinical trial allegedly falsified data, unblinded patients, and was slow to follow up on adverse events. The whistleblower was immediately fired after bringing up these issues to the FDA.

5. No benefits, only risks, found in adolescents.

6. Pfizer has been indemnified for damages in case their inoculation hurts or kills people, and Pfizer profits to the tune of billions when their trials are deemed successful.

7. There were conflicts of interest.

The CCCA concluded: Pfizer failed to follow safety and efficacy protocols and the vaccine should be withdrawn immediately. No reasonable, responsible governing agency should have offered Pfizer carte blanche to the Pfizer trials. Instead, they should have been held to the highest scientific standards with third-party oversight.

Though public health authorities continue to proclaim these products are safe and effective, every week brings more and more evidence to the contrary. Now that the knowledge is out there, the claim that these vaccines are “safe and effective” does not have sufficient evidence to support it.