Covid Worries

covid worries

What really Worries Me About Covid (It’s not dying)

Published On: March 1, 2022Tags: , , , ,

By Peter Bloch

Back in the 70’s, I noticed that banks’ profits were growing at 3 to 4 times the GDP. Puzzling: with mortgage income and lending for business startups, and growth, how could this happen? Now we know that banks weren’t investing in economic growth, but in dismemberment of the economy through off-shoring, and through investing in investing, culminating, inevitably, in the economic disaster of 2008. But back then, this started me paying attention.

Through the 80’s I watched as companies were bought and sold, arbitraged and combined into ever larger and more rapacious corporations, with increasingly global reach. This bothered me.

I saw news media combined into fewer and fewer hands; newspapers losing editorial independence, or being shut down; investigative journalism withering away. This worried me. A lot.

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Through the 90’s, I saw wealth and income gaps growing to very scary levels and, as money became more and more dominant in politics, it became more and more evident that the reins of power were gathered into the hands of fewer and fewer people: I started reading about the French Revolution, not in order to advocate for one here, but to look for the signs that one could happen here. One almost did in Washington DC last January. And all this time, secret trade/investment treaties were being forced on governments, like the infamous “Free Trade Agreement” that, despite the political chest thumping, destroyed hundreds of thousands of jobs in this country, and pumped billions over the border.

And now we have a virus. Suddenly, all over the world, government responses snap into place — hurrah! Except more and more that response, so similar everywhere, didn’t seem to actually be about public health. Clearly, something was up.

Having spent decades looking at emerging patterns, I looked for the overall pattern here. Practicing doctors excitedly come forward telling us how they’re curing people: they’re silenced, threatened, fired, and we’re told their cures can’t possibly work and are actually dangerous and then these treatments were forbidden. It became verboten even to mention them. “Follow the science,” became a mantra we heard in the media every day.

Instead, populations are locked down, businesses, almost exclusively small and medium businesses, are forbidden to open, all to slow the spread of an illness that could actually easily be cured and ended, if the available, forbidden therapies were allowed. What? What again, and why? Oh, to keep the hospitals and health care systems from being overloaded and overwhelmed, a danger which never actually existed. So, some other reason then.

Ah, of course! Vaccines are on the way! But wait; given the typical behaviour of infectious viruses, like the flu or common cold, also corona viruses, even if nothing was done at all, this virus could be expected to rage through the population and burn itself out in a few months, well before the hallowed vaccines could be ready. And since we knew who was actually vulnerable to the virus, we could have protected them, as the Great Barrington Declaration makes clear. But no: we’ll crush the retail economy with lock downs, and print mountains of money to shore it up, sort of — never mind devaluing the currencies and provoking inflation later — until the fabulously expensive vaccines are ready — oh, and while we’re at it, close the schools and cripple the education of children, even though children are hardly touched by this illness.

Something this weirdly bizarre, this stunningly illogical could only work if the people were first made so frightened of the virus that they would meekly accept it. So, the corporately controlled, compliant media were swung into action: be afraid; be very afraid. Of course, once you have people suitably frightened, you have to give them some way of feeling safe, sort of, and presto! bacterial masks, and to further beat into people the habit of obedience, make those mask mandatory, even though there isn’t any credible evidence that they actually work very well with viruses, and bonus: they make lots and lots and lots of money!

Meanwhile, shutdowns and lockdowns continue, more or less, even though there’s no evidence that they actually saved many if any lives at all as the virus went right on killing the vulnerable, while causing incalculable economic and psychological damages that must continue for a long time (BTW, we still haven’t recovered from 2008.)

So, the vaccines roll out; we’re told they’re safe and 80% effective and they’ll let us get back to normal soon, and understandably, people line up. But two years later, head scratcher: the vaccines don’t actually work to stop the spread of the virus, at least not very well, and have to be repeatedly boosted (“oh, how the money rolls in, rolls in”) and we’re still suffering shutdowns and lockdowns, and closed schools, and loneliness, and depression, and WTF!?

Not surprisingly, the vaccination rates stall, everywhere. But wait; we can’t have that — if people won’t take the shot, we’ll force them to, even if it means violating established laws, civil rights and medical ethics. After all, people are still frightened, so we’ll get away with it, at least until it’s too late to do anything about it. Some protests here and there? Not to worry; protests don’t really make much difference, and anyway, we have POLICE.

Meanwhile, various doctors and biochemists and others of considerable expertise and experience begin to study the health statistics and the vaccines themselves whose long-term possible side effects, and whose contents have never been disclosed to the people taking them (in itself, illegal, since that makes lawful informed consent impossible), and oh, my! Not lions and tigers and bears, but some very peculiar and scary stuff they report finding in there. Of course, scarcely anybody knows about it because the media are still firmly under control pumping out propaganda and discrediting the researchers, but facts start to leak out to those willing to look for them. And at the same time, reports start to leak out about sudden, anomalous soaring rises of strange illnesses and deaths occurring in vaccinated persons. Finally, and quite recently, authoritative voices start to conclude that these vaccines, which technically, aren’t really vaccines at all, were actually designed to harm and over time, kill people, millions and millions of people.

Well, a big, fat, international conspiracy? Who can believe that? Right? Well, maybe the thousands who survived Bhopal? Maybe the hundreds of thousands who have seen family members suffering and dying after taking the jab? Maybe the millions whose jobs were suddenly taken from them by off-shoring or lockdowns, or who were tricked into taking mortgages they couldn’t afford, or to addicting themselves to poisonous tobacco smoke, or to eating “foods” containing toxic preservatives and dyes, laden with sugars and fats and containing no nutritional value at all, who were tricked into buying common household products laced with toxic perfumes and stabilizers. Maybe the millions who suddenly discovered that their governments have been illegally spying on them for years, or that their government was involved in importing narcotic drugs into their country? Maybe the masses and masses of people are now wondering why they can’t figure out whom they can believe? Maybe anyone who’s been looking up from their entertainment device and paying attention.

So, deliberate mass genocide? It is hard to believe, but it’s been done before and quite recently: remember Biafra? Myanmar? Pol Pot in Cambodia? It’s worth remembering that even the Nazis didn’t start murdering Jews right away (not that our elites are Nazis.) At first the Nazis created a propaganda campaign: A terrible danger to the people and the state existed, the virus of Jews must be dealt with — get vaccinated — everyone! And of course, we know that this is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” right? Then they started taking away Jews’ jobs, ruining their careers, destroying their businesses, barring them from schools, clubs, theatres and sporting events. Sound familiar? Soon certain “camps” were established to contain Jewish “troublemakers,” kind of like the covid camps “down under,” maybe? Only later did the mass murders begin, mostly hidden from the general citizenry. Only now are the real numbers of adverse vaccine events leaking out. And not forgetting that the Nazis pumped out mountains of “science” to prove that Jewish people were a sub-human race, dangerous to the welfare not only of Germany, but of humanity and that therefore, it was the moral duty of every citizen, to support the harsh government measures imposed to protect them from this “menace”.

So, even if the medical claims that these experimental, genetic injections are a bio-weapon designed for mass murder (BTW, we don’t seem to be hearing about how these experimental “vaccines” are safe and effective any more, only how they’re tested and monitored.), even if those claims are nonsense, there clearly is a step-by-step programme in operation to suppress civil rights and exert increasing levels of fascistic control. Look at the overall pattern, stretching back over decades.

Every society in history has had its ruling elites who used their power and wealth to impoverish and exploit their people. It’s taken centuries to create substantial middle classes and give them meaningful political power; it’s taken only a few decades to undermine and suborn all that, pushing the great mass of people, by degrees, ever back towards poverty, and obedient, feudal, indentured servitude through debt. We hear about a “Great Reset” in which “we will own nothing and be happy.” Who has the power to enact that? How can it be done? Are these step by step concentrations of power and wealth of the past decades part of a long-laid plan?

Today, our ruling, secretive elites are international in composition and reach: a great, multi-headed beast has risen up over our world, reaching out with ruthless claws, eroding environmental protections, labour laws and workplace safety regulations, tearing at the fabric of our lives to gain ever greater wealth and control over us.

Our democratically established civil rights and liberties are all that stand between us and impoverished, absolute servitude; their loss, under this step-by-step advance of arbitrary, fascistic and unjustified “mandates” is far, far more dangerous than this virus ever was or could be.

Support and spread the emerging truths about this virus, these “vaccines” and their use by ruthless, secretive elites to take from us, step by step, the opportunities and enjoyments of open, democratic society, and to reduce us by degrees, to mute, obedient serfs.