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The Never-Ending Lies

Published On: March 1, 2022Tags: ,

By Alan Aubut

Ever since SARS-CoV2 and its related disease, Covid19, hit the news, I have been surprised by the reaction every time a lie has been exposed; the proponents of the lie double down and make a bigger lie. I guess they are putting into play the phrase “either go big or go home.” Really, they are confessing to their sins by projecting their faults onto whoever they hate, and there is a lot of hate being spouted!

Anyone who did independent research found that the virus was not that contagious and, to most people outside of the elderly cohort with multiple “comorbidities,” it is not that deadly, or at least in the same order of magnitude as the common flu. Yet, when “flatten the curve” lockdowns were mandated, first of two weeks duration, and then found to have no effect, what was done? The lockdowns were extended. When it became obvious that a healthy immune system was effective, what was recommended? Anything that would suppress that immune system, like promoting little, if any, exercise as just one example.

It should have been obvious that masks were incapable of stopping a virus, as years of seasonal flu and colds have proven, yet that requirement was imposed. With no end in sight.

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A US President got caught up in the rhetoric and strongly encouraged the rapid development of new vaccines, even though no reliable vaccine had ever been found for common viruses, such as those that result in colds and influenza. It is especially ironic that colds are generated by a variety of viruses including corona viruses. And now we had a new corona variety, and we expected an effective vaccine to be found? And within a timeframe that would prevent proper safety and efficacy studies? His opponents vowed to never be injected with any drugs that the program produced. Yet when they were able to take control of the White House they flip flopped and, in fact, went from encouraging the use of these untested experimental drugs to forcing people to be injected with them at the threat of losing their jobs. That is not the definition of “informed consent,” a cornerstone of medical ethics.

Another set of related lies were the use of two drugs: Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. Doctors in the field experimented with these treatments based on their reliability in past similar circumstances. Both were found to be effective. Both are inexpensive and have been approved for other medical use around the world. But a President that many in the media hated to the point of condoning and promoting open insurrection at every opportunity, promoted their use. Hate has no bounds when it comes to lying for an ulterior purpose. Both drugs were vilified. Commonly, with the use of fraudulent “clinical tests” where abnormally high doses were used resulting in negative results. When this was exposed, what happened? They doubled down on the lies by enacting unreasonable prohibitions that have resulted in deaths that would have been prevented if these drugs had been used. Those doctors who promoted their use? Threatened with losing their licenses by their licensing bodies, not for malpractice, but for going against the politics of the day.

Which brings me to the major aspect of the ever-expanding lies, the loss of ethics and morals, as well as the many other inconsistencies. For example, I never knew of a time where anyone in government was considered “essential,” no matter how inconsequential their job. Yet every job is “essential” for someone. So, why were only those not involved in government deemed non-essential? Similarly many, especially those involved in government sanctioned health care — people just doing the jobs they were paid to do — were being lauded as “heroes.” I found that odd as a hero is defined in my Funk and Wagnalls Desk Dictionary as someone “distinguished for exceptional courage, fortitude, or bold enterprise.” People just doing their job? And now, some of them are indeed heroic by showing exceptional courage by not wanting to be injected by experimental drugs at risk of serious injury, or even death — by giving up their jobs. And they are now treated as cowards?

South of the border the news titan, CNN, has lost a significant portion of its regular viewership. Why? Because its former customers have realized it is not the “trusted” news source it touted itself to be. Instead of behaving like several newspapers in Europe, who have publicly apologized for not doing their job of uncovering and exposing “the naked truth,” they continue to publish lie after lie. They cannot figure out why they are losing their audience. So consumed with hate for the very people who are their audience they can no longer think straight.

North of the border the same can be said of the CBC, the once mighty and well-respected national broadcaster. As reported by the Toronto Sun in August of 2021, “However, now with cable and satellite and streaming services, Canadians are no longer compelled to watch CBC’s one-sided, “progressive” propaganda and rehashes of middling American hits like Family Feud.” Its flagship news program, The National, at that time was drawing a mere 0.5 million viewers, from across Canada — not just their home city of Toronto. Why? The same reason applies to the CBC as to CNN; they have lost their audience because only the most blind continue to take in the lies and deceit.

And, of course, we see this in the political arena as well. Quebec continues to lead the way in promoting criminal activity, using extortion, and using police, not to uphold laws but to enforce illegal mandates. Twelve years ago, MacLeans magazine labelled Quebec “the most corrupt province” in the country. As we have seen in recent years with the SNC Lavalin affair and Bombardier, as just two examples. If anything, this corruption is getting worse.

On the national front we have a prime minister who is the epitome of a hate monger with his most recent invective: “They don’t believe in science/progress and are very often misogynistic and racist. It’s a very small group of people, but that doesn’t shy away from the fact that they take up some space. This leads us, as a leader and as a country, to make a choice: Do we tolerate these people?” Here the affirmed misogynist confesses his guilt by projecting his faults onto others and, in doing so, trying to foment hate for “these people,” in full contravention of the Criminal Code and specifically sections 319(1) and 319(2). It was bad enough that he has tried to curtail freedom of speech as he also hates being criticized for his innumerable lies.

The lies and deceit have now taken over much of social media as well with Facebook in particular “fact checking” any commentary anyone wishes to share. Recently, during a court case where John Stossel, a wellknown consumer journalist in the US, is suing them for libel, in open court they have admitted that the third party “fact checkers” they hire are actually “opinion.” Google, Twitter, and YouTube (owned by Google) actively censor, “fact check,” or de-platform any dissenting view, while at the same time calling these sources “misinformation.” True confession by projection!

What do we do about this? We show the world the naked truth. Point out the confessions through projection. Speak up and hold these people accountable. In other words, do what the media used to do. Be the conscience for today’s society and lead public opinion to the point that sooner, and not later, using the ballot box, we throw out the political bums and then begin the task of cleaning up the mess we have allowed to take control of our lives.