By Shawn Jason
Since Druthers began printing papers 16 months ago in December 2020, a whole lot has changed. Druthers was born as a protest action in an effort to share the voices and stories of people and information that mainstream media was hiding, misleading or outright lying about. Most Druthers articles thus far have been focused on the so called ‘pandemic’ and the high levels of manipulation behind it.
In the first 15 months we printed 3.8 million copies of Druthers which were freely distributed in cities all across Canada by thousands of volunteers. Druthers volunteers are highly passionate about sharing important news, info and perspectives that prove these last 2 years have been entirely about greed, power & control… not about a health crisis.
Since the truckers protest in Ottawa over the last month, the landscape in Canada has drastically changed. Most Canadians now understand the government is working against us, the mainstream media (who is bought and paid for by our corrupt government) is nothing more than a propaganda machine for the establishment, including big pharma, and it is terribly misleading the public. Canadians en masse are turning off their televisions knowing that the things they tell us are outright lies… knowing it is psychological warfare on the people.
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Many Canadians now know that Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum has admittedly hijacked many key government positions and is now essentially dismantling our country while ripping away our rights and freedoms in an effort to install a high tech digital id tracking system on everyone and everything. Klaus and his ‘friends’ have an insatiable hunger for power/control and we the people are finally seeing this, acknowledging it and saying NO to these authoritarian agendas.
Enough Canadians are now aware that Justin Trudeau is one of the ‘Young Leaders” of the World Economic Forum (search it if you don’t already know) and that he does not have the best interest of Canadians in mind. His allegiance is to the WEF and its agenda. He is nothing more than a puppet for the ‘ruling class’ and is not the one actually calling the shots. Our government has been deeply compromised & corrupted and we MUST take back control now, before it is too late.
With this new awareness sweeping across Canada, I cannot help but feel that Druthers and its thousands of volunteers have played an integral role in that happening. 3.8 million newspapers in 15 months surely has had a substantial impact on the collective awareness of Canadians. We have helped a lot of people see the bigger picture and inspired them to stand up and speak out. We even heard numerous truckers in Ottawa tell us that Druthers helped them see bigger and make the decision to take a stand. (You can find many hours of our live coverage from the Ottawa protest at www.facebook.com/druthers.net
Moving forward, Druthers will begin bringing attention to more than just the plandemic. Now that so many Canadians recognize we are being horribly misled, it is time to start exploring beyond the ‘health crisis’ and find out why this is all happening and who is behind this attempted global takeover. It is time we collectively find ways to stop this from continuing and to set forth in creating our own new world… a world without the influence by the few at the ‘top’ who think they own us and want full control over us. It is time to reclaim our power, step into it and really start working it. We the people are so much more powerful, creative and capable than most of us realize and it’s time we own it! That is what I see happening more and more and it excites me greatly to witness this and be a part of it.
If you appreciate Druthers and all it has done for Canadians, please continue to support it in the form of donations (to print more papers), purchases (to help cover our expenses) & volunteering (to help Druthers become Canada’s most reliable and honest source for news and information.) We would not be growing as we are without all the love, energy & support so many of you have given to this project.
Donate: www.druthers.ca/donate
Shop: www.druthers.ca/shop
Volunteer: www.druthers.ca/volunteer
As the founder of this newspaper I would like to add, we the people are WINNING this war. Love, peace & compassion are the way to ending this attempted takeover and for creating the kind of new world that is truly good for everyone. During the eleven days I spent in Ottawa recently… I observed a whole lot of that. The people are uniting and we are doing so with so much love & kindness for all. It was an immensely beautiful experience and a small taste of what life can be like when we stop listening to the people in ‘power’ who are doing what is best for themselves rather than for humanity. When enough of us stop buying into their fear mongering tactics and begin truly connecting with each other, we will have won, and what a beautiful world we will create together.
Mainstream tried painting the protest as being angry, racist, violent & dangerous, and sure some people believe that, but anyone who attended or anyone who tuned in to our live streams on facebook knows… that was all a big lie in an effort to stop a powerful movement from growing and further exposing their lies and agenda. Unfortunately, the government / media won that battle and that particular protest is over, but in doing so they exposed themselves as completely untrustworthy and the people are fed up with it. We no longer trust what the media, government & big pharma are telling us. THAT is a BIG WIN all on its own. Now, there are so many people all across the country connecting, planning & organizing ways to course correct from this path we are being led down.
We the people WILL prevail! Keep going my friends. I love you all, so much, and I look forward to seeing what the new world we create looks like when it is based on love, kindness & compassion for all.
Shawn Jason (creator of Druthers)
P.S. At the time of this writing (Friday February 25, 2022) our bank account is still frozen since we were raising money to help the truckers. I still don’t know how we are going to pay for this March issue of Druthers but I trust it will come to be somehow. The government announced a few days ago that it will release frozen bank accounts but that has not yet happened for us. We have since redirected the flow of funds to a new bank and with the emergency act now revoked, funds from donations should arrive with no problems.
E-transfer donations are best:
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You can also send cash, checks, gift cards, gold, silver, laptops, phones, cameras & other equipment. Make checks payable to Shawn Jason Laplante and send to:
Shawn Jason Laplante
P.O. Box 40531
Six Points Plaza
Toronto, Ontario
M9B 6K8
We receive no government funding and have no corporate sponsors. This is truly a paper by the people, for the people and your support is vital for our continued growth.
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