An Open, and Sincere Thank You Letter To Justin Trudeau
By J. Beaudry
Thank you very much Justin Trudeau for all that you have accomplished in the last four weeks, which has come at great sacrifice to yourself and your loved ones. In such a small window, you have managed to provide us with such valuable teachings and outcomes;
Awakening millions of Canadians and reminding us who we are.
Inspiring intense feelings of freedom, love and unity among Canada and rest of the world.
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Exposing the corruption and the failure of our many institutions; media, political leaders, health care, government, judicial system, education, police forces, financial and our democratic processes.
Demonstrating how frail our Canadian democracy actually is and how quickly it can be dissolved and reduced to authoritarianism.
Exposing external influences/agendas outside of Canada which are compromising our democracy and the rightful power of our people.
Proving that fear, stress, mandates, and misinformation can easily coerce people to the point of harming themselves physically, as well as morally/spiritually through self-compliance against their own personal freedoms, values, and sovereignty.
Exposing an elected government that is willing to take away it’s citizens ability to provide for themselves and their families in a coordinated effort to coerce them into compliance to unlawful and irrational mandates.
Revealing the highest hypocrisy, incompetence, and complicity of our government and leaders.
Reminding us, that people will still follow orders that are unjust, unmoral, and violent against their own people, despite numerous historical references of such atrocities.
Exposing an elected government that can be divisive, vindictive, and violent, and that will openly/publicly persecute, censor, and demonize its own citizens.
You did this all willingly and at grave personal sacrifice, which is why we all owe you a sincere thank you. Here are some of the sacrifices you have made for us;
The agony of living with this legacy and all of its negative karmic consequences.
Irredeemable damage to your character/reputation domestically and internationally.
Damage to your family name, ancestors and all your loved ones.
Generational damage to the Liberal party, our democracy, and the credibility of our government and institutions.
You have done more for us in the last four weeks and at great personal expense. Thank you for your great sacrifice, we send love – The Canadian People
PS. If you want to help us further please consider calling an end to the pandemic, lifting all federal Covid mandates, revoking all emergency government powers, conducting a third party in-depth investigation/hearing of all government decisions/actions during the pandemic, reconcile all damages to Canadians caused by governments mandates, scraping the implementation of any globalist agendas, (Great Reset, Build Back Better, Social Credit System) and lastly, cut ties to all external influences on our democracy.
PPS. An even bigger thank you to all the peaceful Canadian protesters and supporters for their courage to stand-up throughout this very dark time in our young history.
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