Absurdity Observer – July 2022
Some Of The Most Absurd Things That Have Happened In Recent Weeks
- Tim Hortons’ mobile app tracked and recorded users’ movements resulting in “a mass invasion of Canadians’ privacy” in violation of Canadian laws, an investigation by federal and provincial privacy commissioners has found. The investigation concluded that the company misled users into thinking the geolocation data would only be used when the app was open. In fact, the app tracked user data as long as the device was left on, generating an “event” every time users entered or exited a Tim Hortons competitor, a major sports venue, or their home or workplace, according to the investigation.
- WHO warns: “Summer festivals could become Monkeypox super spreader events” (while simultaneously saying the Monkeypox is no reason to shun Pride Parades).
- Historically, ‘Infant deaths post-vaccination’ have been mistakenly categorized as ‘Sudden Infant Death Syndrome’ according to a study published to Toxicology Reports by Miller et al. titled Vaccines and Sudden Infant Death, that found “Infant mortality and SIDS cases reported to VAERS tended to occur in temporal proximity to vaccine administration, that is, they clustered in the early post-vaccination period—Day 1 through Day 7”. In recent weeks, a new term has emerged in the mainstream media. Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS), has been coined by the medical community to help explain the sudden increase in healthy young adults dying suddenly and unexpectedly from a “mysterious syndrome.”
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- Not only is inflation at record-breaking highs, “shrinkflation” is on the rise now too. Companies are slimming down their products in response to the inflation of prices. For example, Kleenex is now selling 60 tissues per box instead of 65, Nestle slimmed down its coffee cans from 100g to 90g, and a bar of Vim dish soap has shrunk from 155g to 135g.
- Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Kieran Moore, says there are plans for a round of COVID-19 boosters in the fall.
- As can be expected and given the fact that alcohol stores remained open during the isolating lockdowns (while support groups were banned), a study published in JAMA (Yeo et al.) finds that Alcohol-Use-Disorder related deaths increased among all ages and sexes during the pandemic and skyrocketed among the youngest age group, with a nearly 40% increase in the 25-44 age group.
- A UK study conducted by the UCL Queen Institute of Neurology (Lunn et al.) found that there was a 40% increase in Guillian Barré Syndrome cases in the UK in the months where the AstraZeneca vaccine was most administered. The paralyzing disease is an established side effect of adenovirus vaccines. A study published in JAMA (Hanson et al.) found similar results.
- The National Center of Meteorology in the UAE has announced its plans to deploy artificial intelligence to assist in “cloud seeding” to boost rainfall and “ensure long-term water security and sustainability.”
- Bill C-11, or the “Online Streaming Act,” passed its third reading in the HoC on June 21st. Bill C11 allows the Canadian government to grant sweeping power to the CRTC to block websites, censor content, and go full authoritarian on free expression. This already happens in countries such as China, North Korea and Iran.
- The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) privately believes the COVID pandemic started following a leak from a Chinese laboratory, a senior Government source claims. While publicly the group maintains that ‘all hypotheses remain on the table’ about the origins of Covid, the source said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the WHO, recently confided to a senior European politician that the most likely explanation was a catastrophic accident at a laboratory in Wuhan in late 2019.
- Large study debunks the false narrative that COVID causes heart inflammation. A study that included nearly 800,000 adults published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine (Tuvali et al.) found that in those “who were not vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2, we observed no increase in the incidence of Myocarditis or Pericarditis from day 10 after positive SARS-CoV2.” (In fact, in this study, there were more cases of heart inflammation in the group that never caught COVID). Population data supports these results since if COVID did actually cause heart inflammation, there would be an increased incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis in the population, but no such increase in heart inflammation Dx’s can be seen in the US population until March 2021 (see JAMA article by Diaz et al. published Aug 4).
- Ukraine bans Russian books and music. This includes books by Russian citizens printed in Ukrainian, books published in Russia and occupied Ukrainian territory, music by Russians on both media and public transport, as well as increasing quotas on Ukrainian-language speech and music content in TV and radio broadcasts. According to official data from the 2001 Ukrainian census as well as a 2012 poll by RATING, the Russian language is native to 30% of Ukraine’s population, and an additional 20% identify both Russian and Ukrainian as their native languages.
- In a prime example of what co-opting looks like, large corporations throughout the world updated their logos to include the rainbow for pride month in the profile pictures of their social media accounts, with the exception of their Middle East accounts. In a possible effort to cater to their customer base, companies like Cisco, BMW, Lenovo, Mercedes-Benz, and Bethesda virtue-signalled their support for the LGBT+ community in countries where gay marriage is legal and celebrated but didn’t even pretend to show support for LGBT+ in countries where homosexuality is illegal.
- Investigation finds that $350 million was given to the NIH and its scientists and was hidden from the public by the NIH. Investigation using FoIA requests by the nonprofit organization Open the Books, found that between 2010 and 2020, more than $350M in royalties were paid by third parties (mainly pharmaceutical companies) to the agency and at least 1,675 NIH scientists who are credited as co-inventors. Because those payments enrich the agency and its scientists, each and every royalty payment could be a potential conflict of interest and needs disclosure. In 2005, an Associated Press investigation found that Dr. Anthony Fauci specifically received $45k in royalties for an experimental AIDS treatment and only vouched to donate the entire amount to charity after being caught.
- President of the European pharmaceutical behemoth PharmaMar is facing criminal charges after being caught faking his COVID vaccination status and injecting himself with salt water instead. Dr. Sousa-Faro is embroiled in a European controversy involving more than 2,200 celebrities and European elites who were added to the National Immunization Registry in exchange for large sums of money.
- Omicron sub-variants (BA.4 and BA.5) that evolved to escape vaccine antibodies and affects the vaccinated hits Israel, where there is a 70% spike in the number of seriously ill COVID patients since the week before the variant emerged, and its trickling into the rest of the world. In early June, the variant drove a spike in cases and deaths in one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, Portugal, where 98% of the eligible population is vaccinated.
- Quadruple vaccinated Dr. Fauci (head of the NIAID) and Dr. Eileen De Villa (Medical Officer of Health for the City of Toronto) test positive for COVID-19 after experiencing symptoms. Triple vaxxed Trudeau also tests positive for the second time this year.
- CDC recommends mRNA COVID vaccines for children as young as 6 months, despite concerning Vaccine Advisory Committee Meeting notes (see notes for June 14-15). The meeting revealed that patients were only followed for 60 days in the studies (because they chose to vaccinate the placebo group), the vaccine was not found to be effective (efficacy was assumed, based on blood test results showing antibodies for the Wuhan strain), and that the Moderna study showed 1 out of 200 children ages 6 to 23 months experienced a severe adverse event within 28 days of injection.
- Yet another study finds natural immunity is superior to vaccine “immunity.” New England Journal of Medicine study published June 9 (Goldberg et al.) finds that natural immunity “protection was higher than that conferred after the same time had elapsed since receipt of a second dose of vaccine among previously uninfected persons.”
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