A Postcard from Armageddon
By Guy Crittenden
In a way I’m thankful the globalists made their move. I’d feel a lot better if I knew for sure we’d prevail, yet I appreciate what’s been exposed, which includes that the system in which we’ve lived our lives had to go. It was debt slavery and perpetual wars and political assassinations, and every last thing based on lies and deception.
The blindfold fell from my eyes a few years ago when I researched the dirty war on Syria (and Libya) for an article no one would publish. We’re not the “good guys,” I learned.
Nowadays my attention turns to the new society we must construct, so people have something to walk (or run) toward as the old system collapses. I don’t know exactly what that new society will look like, or how it will function, so I’m moving carefully.
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For me, it starts with personal experience, and not grand theories like those that ultimately led to the deaths of hundreds of millions over the past century. I’ve no patience for “-isms.”
My wife and I live in the forest. The Great Algonquin Forest, as I call it. A sense of place is important at a time when technocrats seek to herd us into virtual realms. A yurt or cabin appeals to us more than any baronial house. I want to live in a community, something like the Shire in Lord of the Rings. Or the settlement on the Toronto Islands — founded by squatters — whose lanes are too narrow for cars, and where everything is of human scale.
I believe our taxes should flow mostly to the immediate local village level, and not primarily to national governments, and then provinces or states, then cities. It’s all upside down and ripe for abuse by plutocrats far removed from those paying the funds. And perhaps there will be no taxes at all.
I like late psychonaut Terence McKenna’s idea of the Archaic Revival, with its return to the rhythms of sacred nature and recognition of the Goddess. And we need to establish everything in light of our true history. Genetics have disproven a common ancestor for humans and apes. So, what happened? Were we made in a lab? By aliens or inter-dimensional beings? I believe the Sumerian texts have a great deal to teach us in that regard. And the story of Tartaria fascinates me, and mud floods and the re-ordering of history by Jason Breshears (host of Archaix on YouTube).
Whatever we devise, we must ensure that what the World Economic Forum and its members have attempted (that include all the world’s governments and large corporations — a daunting thought in itself) never happens again, and never could happen in light of the safeguards we’ll employ.
In the end I believe the new society must include the most direct forms of spirituality, including plant and non-plant shamanism and esoteric ideas of duality and nonduality from India and other ancient cultures. This is an area where perhaps my writing and experiences that are unique to me can serve their highest purpose.
All the master plants must be legalized, and we must lean into the wisdom of the earth’s First People whom we’ve genocided on every continent. (Really what’s happened these past few years is only that the gun sights have been turned on people in the industrialized world, who didn’t care a whit about the violence our governments inflicted on people in poor countries.)
We incarnated at this time to participate in the largest battle for the soul of humanity in recorded history. It’s so vast, so unimaginably sinister and underhanded, that most people remain unaware, incredulous that anyone could “be that evil” or that “so many people” could be in on it. (I struggle with that myself.)
I’m thankful for everyone’s friendship in the Druthers community, on social media and in the protest movement. Some of you have genuinely helped me get through the past almost-three-years. My family is shattered. I’ve lost friends who were present at both of my weddings. Yet I embrace my new friends and look forward to putting my shoulder to the wheel with you in the next few years creating off-grid homes and intentional communities, and whatever else we have to do to outlast and prevail over the perpetrators.
Namaste everyone. In Lakesh!
Guy Crittenden is a freelance writer and author of the award-winning book The Year of Drinking Magic: Twelve Ceremonies with the Vine of Souls (Apocryphile Press, San Francisco). Follow Guy at www.HipGnosis.co