675,000 Copies of Druthers Across Canada!
By Shawn Jason
Wow, Canada, you are blowing my mind! I am Shawn Jason, creator of this paper and project and I just want to put a note in here to say THANK YOU!
More and more Canadians are rapidly beginning to recognize there is something terribly wrong with the one-sided narrative that is being force-fed to us by mainstream media outlets and the few selected ‘officials’ they feature.
Druthers.ca is young but it is already playing an important, even vital role in bringing alternative perspectives to the public so that people can make properly informed decisions for themselves and their families.
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It started with the first issue in December 2020 and 25,000 copies were freely distributed around Ontario with the help of a few friends. Now, the issue you are reading is our 5th monthly issue and we printed 300,000 copies. That’s 675,000 Druthers papers total in just 5 months! Wow. These are being freely distributed coast to coast all across Canada by 100’s of passionate Druthers readers.
It is truly incredible! This paper has quickly become so much more than just a newspaper. Druthers is helping anchor a rapidly growing movement of Canadians who have become fed up with the lies and who are no longer accepting these nonsensical ‘rules’ which are causing tremendous harm to ALL Canadians and future generations too.
And I say, GOOD!! Get up! Speak up! It’s time we collectively say “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH” and take back control of our future from the hands of those who clearly care more about their own power and wealth than they do for humanity.
This paper is entirely donation & volunteer based and we would love to see you join us in whatever capacity you may be able.
Donate by sending an e-transfer to admin@druthers.net or visit our fundraising page at www.druthers.ca/donate to use other payment methods. These papers cost just 10 cents to print and distribute and no salaries or overhead are taken from donations, so your contribution goes far.
Subscribe to have Druthers delivered right to your door each month by visiting www.druthers.ca/shop/subscribe and be sure to never miss an issue. You can even have entire bundles delivered to you if you would like to give them out in your area.
Volunteer to help Druthers grow bigger, faster. We invite you to send an email to info@druthers.net and let us know how you are able to help. One of our volunteers will connect with you and hopefully find a way to receive your time, energy, skills & passion.
Shop on our website for official Druthers t-shirts and more at www.druthers.ca/shop. All purchases made on our website are greatly appreciated as they help fund the operations & continued growth of this project.
Before I go I would like to ask… did mainstream media tell you about the lockdown protests that have been erupting in cities all over Canada? No. Why not? Could it be because they don’t want Canadians taking an interest in questioning the narrative? I think so. And I think it is imperative that we question things more deeply, especially when not questioning things means further destruction of life as we know it and even deeper harms being inflicted on our loved ones.
I don’t ask you to believe anything I say. I simply ask you to stop blindly believing the official story and start asking the hard hitting questions of our so called ‘leaders’ and elected ‘officials’. For the future of all Canadians, nothing matters more right now than stopping this horrendous agenda from moving forward any further.
It’s time we all stand up together and stop this insanity. And it’s time we get behind honest news & information providers such as Druthers.net, because mainstream media sucks!
I love you all. Thank you for taking the time to read this and for all your love & support.
Shawn Jason is the creator of Druthers.ca
Webmaster’s Note: When this article was originally penned, Druthers.net was our web address Although we have updated our links to .ca, we continue to use .net for e-mail.
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