25 percent of people thin covid a hoax
Screenshot from: theguardian.com/society/2023/jun/13/ quarter-in-uk-believe-covid-was-a-hoax-poll-on-conspiracytheories-finds
25% of People Think “Covid a Hoax”
“The UK is home to millions more conspiracy theorists than most people realise, with almost a quarter of the population believing Covid-19 was probably or definitely a hoax, polling has revealed.”
“Three out of 10 people thought the “Great Reset” initiative announced by the World Economic Forum in 2020 was a conspiracy to impose a totalitarian world government. Between a fifth and a quarter of people — 8 million to 10 million adults — said they would protest against the introduction of central bank digital currencies, a “deep state” of military, intelligence and government officials who try to secretly manipulate government policy, “15-minute cities” and against vaccines.” — Robert Booth @ The Guardian
I won’t bore you with the rest of the drivel in this article, which is intended to associate anyone questioning the government psyops with racism and utter lunacy (didn’t The Guardian once brand itself as anti-establishment?); where have we heard this sort of propaganda before, Canadians?
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Unfortunately, the survey isn’t nuanced enough (obviously, propaganda never is) to explain what exactly those surveyed understand by the question about “hoax” or what exactly they understand by the plans of the globalist WEF Elite$ at Davos. Still, overall, the article is brilliant (for us). Why? Because I’ve been trying to work out how many people we have already awakened. 25-30% is wonderful. I was concerned that it might be as little as 5% (and then we would have a very, very long way to go in winning the information war). This is a great win for the dissidents.
By the way, doesn’t it show how we are not up against the greatest minds in the world? Conducting this survey (and publishing it) was a huge tactical blunder. They should have just continued with the “fringe minority, extremist” propaganda, which serves to isolate and gaslight people.
Celebrate, my friends. Share with any “doomers” you know, and cheer them up (if you can’t, just let them go, they are bringing you down; sorry to be so blunt).
But don’t rest on your laurels. There is still a long way to go. The Elite$ know that it is not simply some jabs that are at stake here; it is everything they have planned for us. In their hubris they overreached and exposed themselves; they are now wounded and vulnerable like never before, and are likely to get very aggressive as they fight for all the systems and structures they have built up over the millennia (it’s hard to believe, but history shows they can get a whole lot more aggressive than they have already).
And there is a great deal of educational work to do with the 30% and growing army; otherwise, many will fall for the next demagogue that breaks rank with the Elite and pretends to speak for the plebs. In short, we need to use this moment to increase decentralization and the idea of the self-sovereign individual. More on this in future articles.
But this is a moment to celebrate. We are on our way. ‘
Originally published at mathewaldred.substack.com